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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 15th August 2018. Happy reading :)
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Currency crossfire: On the weakening rupee"
- Crossfire - angry words or actions between two people that may accidentally affect other people who are not directly involved
- Weakening - to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important
- Boost - to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful
- Grappling with - to try hard to understand a difficult idea or to solve a difficult problem
- Crude oil - oil that is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes
- Heft - power or strength
- On account of - because of someone or something
- Lira - the unit of money that is used in Turkey and Syria
- Decline - to become less or worse
- Factor - one of the things that influence whether an event happens or the way that it happens
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Standoff - a disagreement or fight in which neither opponent can do anything to win or achieve their aim
- Interior - the government department that is responsible for things that happen within a country, not for relations between that country and others
- Punitive - relating to or causing punishment or great difficulty
- Tariff - a tax that a government charges on goods that enter or leave their country
- Import - a product from another country, that is bought with money from your country
- Cleric - a leader of any religion
- Mastermind - to plan and organize a difficult or complicated operation, especially a crime
- Coup - an occasion when a group of people takes control of a country, usually by means of military force
- Potential - possible or likely in the future
- Bilateral - a bilateral agreement or activity is one that involves two groups or countries
- Detention - the state of being kept in a police station or prison and not being allowed to leave
- Pastor - a priest or minister in some Christian churches
- Incarceration - to put someone in prison
- Consequence - a result or effect of something
- Ripple effect - a situation in which one thing causes a series of other things to happen
- Off guard - surprised by something unexpected
- Rand - the unit of money used in South Africa
- For instance - for example
- Contrast - a noticeable difference between people or things
- Tumble - if a price or value tumbles, it suddenly becomes much lower
- Slide - a situation in which an amount becomes less
- Stride - the speed at which you walk or run
- Panic - a sudden strong feeling of fear or worry that makes you unable to think clearly or calmly
- Inflation - an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
- Underperform - to be less successful than people expect
- Interven - to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it
- Sparingly - in small quantities
- Forex - foreign exchange
- Hold off - to deliberately delay doing something
- Delibilitating - making someone physically or mentally weak
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
- Emerging - just beginning to exist or be noticed
- Tumult - a confused and excited situation or mental state
- Calamity - an event that causes serious damage, or causes a lot of people to suffer, for example a flood or fire
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Siege of Ghazni: On the Taliban offensive"
- Siege - an attack in which an army surrounds a castle or city in order to prevent the people inside from receiving food and water
- Offensive - unpleasant or insulting, and likely to make people upset or embarrassed
- Assault - an attack by the armed forces
- Alter - to make something or someone different
- Civil war - a war fought between different groups of people within the same country
- Massive - very large or heavy
- Vulnerabile - someone who is vulnerable is weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally
- Troop - soldiers, especially in large numbers
- Stalemated - if people or discussions are stalemated, they are unable to make progress
- Render - to make someone or something be or become something
- Vulnerable - someone who is vulnerable is weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally
- Stronghold - a place where people fighting an enemy can defend or organize themselves
- Province - one of many areas into which some countries are divided
- Militant - someone who uses militant methods to achieve something
- Eventual - happening or existing at the end of a process or period of time
- Retreat - to avoid a dangerous, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation, especially by moving away from it
- Defend - to protect someone or something from attack
- Elsewhere - in or to another place or other places
- Civilian - someone who does not belong to the armed forces or the police
- Diplomat - an official whose job is to represent their government in a foreign country
- Ceasefire - an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially in order to discuss permanent peace
- Extract - to remove something from a particular place
- Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Breakthrough - a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work
- Insurgent - someone who belongs to a group of people fighting to take control of their country by force
- Deter - to make someone decide not to do something
- Grapple - to fight with someone
- Infighting - disagreements over who has power or control among the members of a group or organization
- Clueless - stupid, or knowing nothing
- Status quo - the present situation, or the way that things usually are
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