UPSC CAPF (Assistant Commandants) : Admit Card Out

July 21, 2018    

Dear Readers,

UPSC Central Armed Police Forces(CAPF) released it's notification for the Recruitment of 398 Assistant Commandants(Group A) namely Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force(CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police(ITBP) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).  Now UPSC has released admit cards for the said examination, you can download admit card from the link provided below.

Date Of Examination: 12th August 2018

Candidates will be selected through a selection process consisting of Written Examination, Physical and Medical Standards Tests and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Interview/ Personality Test.

☛ What are the posts available under this recruitment project for freshers?
The post which will be available in this recruitment project is Assistant Commandants(Group-A).

☛ When will be the exam conducted?
The written examination to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission will be held tentatively on 12th August 2018 and will comprise two papers.

  • Paper I will be held from 10 a.m. to 12.00 Noon. 
  • Paper II will be held from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 
The date of holding the examination as mentioned above is liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission. 

☛ How many vacancies are there?
The number of vacancies are 398 for CAPF(Assistant Commandants). 
Total No. of posts
60 179 84 46 29 398
The number of vacancies mentioned above is liable to alteration. 

☛ Will the exam be conducted online or offline (OMR Based)?
Written Exam for CAPF (Assistant Commandants) will be conducted in offline mode.

☛ What is the Structure of Examination?
The structure of the examinations which will be conducted offline are as follows:

General Ability and Intelligence - 250 Marks 
It will be held from 10 a.m. to 12.00 Noon. 
The questions in this paper will be of Objective (Multiple Answers) Type in which the questions will be set in English as well as Hindi 

Topics of Paper I
  • General Ability and Intelligence 
  • General Mental Ability 
  • General Science 
  • Current Events of National and International Importance 
  • Indian Polity and Economy 
  • History of India 
  • Indian and World Geography 
Essay(English or Hindi) -> 80 marks 
Precis Writing, Comprehension Components and other communications/ language skills will be English only -> 120 marks 
It will be held from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 

NOTE-I : No credit will be given for answers written in a medium other than the one allowed in the Paper. Candidates will be required to indicate the medium of Essay Component in the Attendance Lists and on the Answer Book. No credit will be given for the Essay Component if the candidate indicates a medium on the Attendance List and on the Answer Book other than the one in which he/she has written the Essay.

NOTE-II: There will be minimum qualifying marks separately in each Paper as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion. Paper-I will be evaluated first and evaluation of Paper-II will be done only of those candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I.

➤➤Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests : 
Males Females
100 Meters race In 16 seconds In 18 seconds
800 Meters race In 3 minutes 45 seconds In 4 minutes 45 seconds
Long Jump 3.5 Meters(3 chances) 3.0 meters (3 chances)
Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) 4.5 Meters -

Pregnancy at the time of PET will be a disqualification and pregnant female candidate will be rejected.

➤➤Interview/Personality Test : 
The Interview/Personality Test will carry 150 Marks. 

Candidates who are short-listed for Interview/Personality Test, including those shortlisted for Interview/Personality Test provisionally will be issued a Detailed Application Form (DAF) in which among other things, they will be required to indicate their preference of Forces. 

➤➤Final Selection / Merit : 
The merit list will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination and Interview/Personality Test. 

☛ What is the age criteria to apply in this common written exam?
Minimum Age: 20 years 
Maximum Age: 25 years 
Age will be calculated as on 1st August 2018, i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1993 and not later than 1st August, 1998. 

☛ What is the educational qualification required for various posts in this recruitment process?
A candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree of a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification.

☛ What is the application Fee?
Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/-
Last date for submission of applications: 21st May, 2018 till 6:00 PM. 
“Pay by Cash” Mode option will be deactived at 23.59 hours of 20.05.2018 

☛ Is there a criterion for negative marking?
UPSC CAPF (Assistant Commandants) : Admit Card Out 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 21, 2018 Dear Readers, UPSC Central Armed Police Forces(CAPF) released it's notification for the Recruitment of 398 Assistant Commandants(G...

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