Hello Greetings!!
You are all have been waiting for SSC CGL 2016 Exam for long, and You've already appeared in the Tier-I exam.
The result of Tier-I is tentatively proposed to be declared on 8 November, 2016. And CGLE (Tier-II)-2016 would be tentatively held w.e.f. 30.11.2016 to 02.12.2016.
Now According to these latest updated dates, You have ample time to be better prepared for the SSC CGL Tier-II exam.
In the next 45 days You’ll face the most important and life changing exam. You must be having butterflies in your stomach, Some of You might feel nervous, it’s quite natural to be anxious but don’t let these feelings bog you down. Remember, Many a man in the history has performed wonder under pressure, You can also achieve your dreams.
Make a smart strategy and execute it in effective and efficient way.
At SSC Adda , we're providing you enough study material for English And Quant Section.
The only way to keep away the negativity is to keep studying and keep yourself busy. Don't let your mind be occupied with bogus ideas. Let your mind be full of confidence and Hope. Your determination and dedication will give you the desired result.
At SSCAdda, we all wish you the very best for your exam. You’re fortunate enough to get a shot at better life. Make most of this opportunity. We are here to guide and help you at every step of your journey. GOOD LUCK.
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