Happy Guru Purnima

July 27, 2018    

Dear Readers,

Bankersadda, SSCadda and the whole Adda247 Family wishes you all a very Happy Guru Purnima. Today is the full moon day of the month Ashadha in the Hindu calendar and on this day the Vyas Purnima also known as Guru Purnima is celebrated. On this day, thousands of devotees express their gratitude towards their gurus for enlightenment. The day is dedicated to gurus and is celebrated in the remembrance of Maharishi Veda Vyasa. This day is also associated with the almighty Lord Shiva and Lord Buddha. On this day lord Shiva became the first guru and Lord Buddha gave his first sermon to the seven sages.

This Guru Purnima, identify the your ideal, your guru...that can be your parents, siblings, a mentor or that inner voice in your head which motivates you to work in the right direction and stay persistent in your determination. And for a Guru, the best Gurudakshina is if the disciple follows the correct path, the path meant for your success, the path leading you towards a meaning full life, the path from where you can be a Guru..a leader one day.  

For all government job aspirants this time is a golden opportunity, to work hard for their dreams an achieve success. Weather your aim is Bank or Insurance sector job, SSC or Railways recruitment...the ball is in your court now! how well you play it is up to your skill sets and aim. So don't wait for another day to pass by, start your preparation now and if you've already started and assess your performance. Your Guru believes in you...its time that you should start believing in yourself!!!


- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/07/happy-guru-purnima.html
Happy Guru Purnima 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 27, 2018 Dear Readers, Bankersadda, SSCadda and the whole Adda247 Family wishes you all a very Happy Guru Purnima.  Today is the full moon day o...

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