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Directions (1-3) : Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold. (SBI Associate Banks PO Exam. 21.07.2002)
- Reluctant
- Unprepared
- Ready
- Hesitant
- Interested
- Enforce
- Emphasise
- Pressurise
- Suppress
- Implement
- Devastation
- Disharmony
- Posterity
- Consequence
- Contemporary
- Dissension
- Harmony
- Refusal
- Misunderstanding
- Differential
- Dislocated
- Unprecedented
- Irrelevant
- Stabilised
- Unfounded
- Transparent
- Irregular
- Outmoded
- Strange
- Straightforward
- Uncovered
- Ruinous
- Gentle
- Trial
- Sheepish
- Bamboozle
- Anticipate
- Desperate
- Humble
- Embrace
- Clumsy
- Honest
- Needless
- Agile
- Noteworthy
- Exalted
- Helpful
- Unmarked
- Harsh
- Immoral
- Perfidy
- Loyalty
- Amnesty
- Freshness
- Vivacity
- Animosity
- Insolence
- Forbearance
- Alertness
- Indolence
- Deserted
- Imposing
- Solitary
- Lowly
- Adrift
- Assist
- Neglect
- Uphold
- Conceal
- Disguise
- Audacious
- Acquired
- Evident
- Simple
- Bashful
- Reach
- Loan
- Help
- Advantage
- Utility
- Shining
- Departure
- Power
- Force
- Arrival
- Religious
- Excessive
- Old
- Customary
- Sick
- Growing
- Retarding
- Dipping
- Unique
- Common
- Developing
- Redundant
- Over working
- Fixed
- Stationery
21. (A) Proximate (B) Elevated (C) Nimble (D) Agile
- B-C
- B-D
- A-B
- A-C
- C-D
- A-B
- B-C
- A-C
- C-D
- B-D
- A-B
- B-C
- C-D
- B-D
- A-C
- A-D
- A-B
- A-C
- B-C
- B-D
- B-C
- B-D
- C-D
- A-B
- A-D
- A-C
- B-C
- A-D
- C-D
- B-D
- A-C
- B-D
- A-B
- C-D
- B-C
- A-C
- B-C
- B-D
- A-B
- C-D
- B-D
- C-D
- B-C
- A-C
- A-B
- A-B
- A-C
- A-D
- B-C
- C-D
31. (A) Instigate (B) Enquire Construe (D) Interpret
- A - C
- A - B
- C - D
- B-D
- A-D
- A-C
- A - B
- B-C
- B-D
- A-D
- A - B
- B-D
- A-C
- A-D
- D - C
- B-D
- B-C
- A - B
- C - D
- A-C
- A-C
- B-D
- C - D
- A-D
- B-C
36. (A) Consent (B) Nascent (C) Emerging (D) Insecure
- A - C
- B D
- B - C
- A - D
- A - B
- A - B
- B - D
- A - C
- A - D
- D - C
- A - C
- A - B
- C - D
- B - D
- A-D
- A - B
- B - D
- A - C
- B-C
- A-D
- B-D
- B-C
- A - B
- C-D
- A-D
41. (A) consent (B) nascent (C) emerging (D) insecure
- A-C
- B-D
- B-C
- A-D
- A-B
- A-B
- B-D
- A-C
- A-D
- D-C
- A-C
- A-B
- C-D
- B-D
- A-D
- A-C
- A-B
- C-D
- B-D
- A-D
- B-D
- B-C
- A-B
- C-D
- A-D
Solutions with Explanations :
1. (3) Ready
Predisposed (V.) : to influence somebody so that they are likely to think/behave in a particular way
Reluctant (Adj.) : hesitating before doing something because you do not want to do it/because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do
2. (2) Emphasise
Stress (V.) : emphasise ; to become/make somebody become too anxious/tired to be able to relax
Enforce (V.) : to make sure that people obey a particular law/rule
Suppress (V.) : to put an end, by force ; to prevent yourself from having/expressing a feeling/an emotion
Implement (V.) : to make something that has been officially decided, start to happen/be used
3. (4) Consequence
Aftermath (N.) : the situation that exists as a result of an important event
Devastation (N.) : great destruction/damage
Disharmony (N.) : a lack of agreement about important things
Posterity (N.) : all the people who will live in the future
Consequence (N.) : a result of something that has happened
Contemporary (Adj.) : belonging to the same time/present time
4. (1) Dissension
Dissension (N.) : disagreement between people/within a group
5. (1) Dislocated
Dislocated (V.) : to stop a system, plan, etc. from working/ continuing in the normal way; to put out of usual or proper place
Unprecedented (Adj.) : that has never happened, been done/been known before
Irrelevant (Adj.) : not important to/connected with a situation
Stabilised (V.) : to become/to make something become firm, steady and unlikely to change
Unfounded (Adj.) : not based on reason/fact ; not established
Settled (Adj.) : not likely to change/move ; to establish as a resident
6. (3) Outmoded
Obsolete (Adj.) : antique ;, dead; discussed; extinct; old; old-fashioned; out of date; out modeled.
7. (2) Ruinous
Baleful (Adj.) : malignant; of evil influence; painful; sorrowful; harmful ; ruinous.
Ruinous (Adj.) : causing serious problems/damage
Sheepish (Adj.) : looking/feeling embarrassed because you have done.something silly/wrong
8. (1) Bamboozle
Hoodwink : bamboozle; cheat; deceive; delude; dupe; fool; hoax; mislead; rook; swindle; take in
Bamoozle (V.) : to confuse somebody, by tricking them
9. (4) Agile
Nimble (Adj.) : active; agile; alert; brisk; light footed; lively; nipply; proficient; prompt; quick; ready; smart; slightly; swift;
10. (5) Immoral
Base (Adj.) : basis; bottom; camp; centre; core; essence; essential; foot; foundation; fundamental; groundwork; headquarters; home; key; origin; pedestral; root; starting point; immoral
Exalted (Adj.) : full of great joy and happiness ; of high rank, position/great importance
11. (1) Perfidy
Fidelity (N.) : adherence; allegiance; devotion; loyality; accuracy; closeness, precision; reliability
Perfidy (N.) : unfair treatment of somebody who trusts you
Amnesty (N.) : an official statement that allows people who have been put in prison for crimes against the state to go free ; a period of time during which people can admit to a crime/give up weapons without being punished
Vivacity (N.) : the quality of being lively and attractive
12. (3) Forbearance
Indignation (N.) : anger; exasperation; ire; outrage; resentment; scorn; wrath
Animosity (N.) : a strong feeling of opposition, anger/hatred
Insolence (N.) : extremely rude behaviour that shows a lack of respect for somebody
Forbearance (N.) : the quality of being patient and sympathetic towards other people, especially when they have done something wrong
Indolence (N.) : the feeling of not wanting to work; lazy behaviour
13. (4) Lowly
Lofty (Adj.) : high; exalted; elevated; dignified; distinguished; majestic; proud;
Deserted (Adj.) : with no people in it ; abandoned
Imposing (Adj.) : impressive to look at ; making a strong impression
Solitary (Adj.) : without other people ; done alone
Adrift (Adj.) : feeling alone and without a direction/an aim in life
Lowly (Adj.) : low in status/ importance ; humble ; obscure
14. (2) Neglect
Heed (V.) : to take notice; to attend to
Neglect (V.) : to fail to take care of somebody/something; to not give enough attention to something
Uphold (V.) : to support something that you think is right and make sure that it continues to exist
Conceal (V.) : to hide somebody/ something
Disguise (V.) : to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you
15. (5) Bashful
Intrepid (Adj.) : brave; fearless; undaunted
Audacious (Adj.) : willing to take risks/to do something shocking ; daring
Acquired (Adj.) : gained by one's own efforts
Bashful (Adj.) : shy and easily embarrassed
16. (1) Reach
Access (N.) : a way of entering/ reaching a place
17. (5) Arrival
Advent (N.) : the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.
18. (4) Customary
Traditional (Adj.) : being part of the beliefs, customs/way of life of a particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time
Customary (Adj.) : usual ; habitual
19. (2) Retarding
Burgeoning (Adj.) : growing or developing rapidly.
Retarding (V.) : to make the development/progress of something slower
20. (1) Developing
Stagnating (V.) : to stop developing/making progress
Redundant (Adj.) : not needed/ useful
21. (5) C-D
(A) Proximate (Adj.) : nearest or next, without anything between a cause and its effect.
(B) Elevated (Adj.) : dignified, elated, grand, high, lofty, noble, raised, sublime
(C) Nimble (Adj.) : active, agile, alert, brisk, deft, light-fotted, lively, ready
(D) Agile (Adj.) : active, adroit, brisk, clever, quick, sharp, swift, spry
(C) and (D) are SAME meaning words.
22. (3) A-C
(A) Notion (N.) : apprehension, belief, idea, concept, fancy, image, judgement, knowledge, view
(B) Symbol (N.) : badge, emblem, image, logo, representation sign, token, type
(C) Concept (N.) : abstraction conception, construct, idea, image, type, view, notion
(D) Message (N.) : information, memo, note, bulletin
(A) and (C) are SAME meaning words
23. (2) B-C
(A) Limpid (Adj.) : bright, clear, comprehensible, crystal-clear, glassy, intelligible, pure
(B) Luscious (Adj.) : appetising. delicious, desirable, juicy, savoury, sweet, tasty
(C) Acrid (Adj.) : acid, acrimonious, bitter, sharp, burning, punget, sarcastic
(D) Benign (Adj.) : amiable, benevolent, friendly, genial, gentle, good, gracious
(B) and (C) are OPPOSITE meaning words
24. (1) A-D
(A) Asinine (Adj.) : of or like an ass, idiotic
(B) Furious (Adj.) : angry, boiling, enraged, fierce, fuming, livid, mad, raging, violent, stormy,
(C) Fortunate (Adj.) : advantageous, blessed, bright, lucky, happy, successful, felicitious, opportune (D) Ridiculous (Adj.) : absurd, comical, derisory, farcical, foolish, funny, stupid, ludicrous
(A) and (D) are SAME meaning words
25. (1) B-C
(A) Companion (N.) : accomplice, aide, ally, assistant, associate mate, partner
(B) Amateur (N.) : buff, dabbler, dilettante, fanier, ham, layman, non-professional, unskilled
(C) Adept (Adj.) : able, accomplished, adroit, versed, skilled, proficient, practiced, nimble.
(D) Adherent (N.) : admirer, advocate, devotee, disciple, fan, follower, supporter
(B) and (C) are OPPOSITE meaning words
26. (3) A-D
(A) Squander (V.) : blow, consume, dissipate, expend, fritter, waste, scatter, misuse
(B) Disunite (V.) : to separate from union, detach, divide, to sever or surrender
(C) Flicker (V.) : flare, flash, flutter, waver, vibrate, twinkle, glimmer
(D) Preserve (V.) : care for, conserve, continue, defend, guard, keep, uphold, shelter
(A) and (D) are OPPOSITE meaning words.
27. (5) B-C
(A) Mitigate (V.) : to mollify, appease, alleviate, reduce
(B) Acquiesce (V.) : accede, accept, agree, allow, approve, assent, comply, concur
(C) Relinquish (V.) : abandon, cede desert, discard, forgo, resign, vacate
(D) Duplicate (Adj.) : corresponding, identical, twofold, twin
(B) and (C) are OPPOSITE meaning words.
28. (4) A-B
Fable (N.) : legend.
(A) and (B) are SAME meaning words
29. (2) C-D
(A) Occurence (N.) : situation, dventure, affair, instance, incident, episode
(B) Pretence (N.) : acting, affectation, claim, allegation, appearance, charade, grab
(C) Profusion (N.) : abundance, copiousness, glut, multitutde, wealth, extravagance
(D) Extravagance (N.) : abundance, excess, folly, squander, waste, profusion
(C) and (1D) are SAME meaning words
30. (4) B-C
(A) Excellent (Adj.) : admirable, commendable, unequalled, superb, wonderful, worthy
(B) Passionate (Adj.) : ardent, erotic, violent, wild, zealous, fiery, inflamed, fervent
(C) Apathetic (Adj.) : cold, cool, impassive, passive, unemotional, indifferent
(D) Discrepant (Adj.) : contrary, disagreeing (B) and (C) are OPPOSITE meaning words
31. (3) C-D
(A) Instigate (V.) : to make some-thing start/happen (official/bad)
(B) Enquire (V.) : to ask somebody for some information
(C) Construe (V.) : to understand the meaning of a word, a sentence/an action in a particular way ; interpret
(D) Interpret (V.) : to explain/ understand the meaning of Something
(C) and (D) are SAME meaning words
32. (4) B-D
(A) Superficial (Adj.) : not studying/looking at something thoroughly ; seeing only what is obvious ; appearing to be true, real/important until you look at it more carefully
(B) Superfluous (Adj.) : unnecessary ; more than you need/want
(C) Enlightened (Adj.) : having/ showing an understanding of people's needs, a situation, etc. that is not based on old-fashioned attitudes/prejudice
(D) Surplus (Adj.) : an amount that is extra/more than you need
(B) and (D) are SAME meaning words
33. (2) B-D
(A) Appalling (Adj.) : shocking ; extremely bad
(B) Sinister (Adj.) : seeming evil/ dangerous ; making you think something bad will happen ; menacing
(C) Perturbed (Adj.) : worried/ anxious ; alarmed
(D) Threatening (Adj.) : expressing a threat of harm/violence ; menacing
(B) and (D) are SAME meaning words
34. (2) B-C
(A) Imprison (V.) : to put some-body in a prison/another place from which they cannot escape
(B) Torture (V.) : to hurt somebody, in order to punish them ; to make somebody feel extremely unhappy/anxious ; torment
(C) Excruciate (V.) : torture ; to inflict severe pain on
(D) Extract (V.) : take away from ; remove ; take out
(B) and (C) are SAME meaning words
35. (1) A-C
(A) Pertinent (Adj.) : relevant ; appropriate to a particular situation
(A) and (C) are OPPOSITE meaning words
36. (3) B-C
(A) Consent (N.) : permission to do something
(B) Nascent (Adj.) : beginning to exist ; not yet fully developed
(C) Emerging (Adj.) : starting to exist, grow, or become known
(D) Insecure (Adj.) : not safe/ protected
(B) and (C) are SAME meaning words
37. (2) B-D
(A) Elated (Adj.) : very happy and excited because something good has happened/will happen
(B) Eccentric (Adj.) : a person who is considered by other people to be strange/unusual
(C) Explicit (Adj.) : clear and easy to understand
(D) Abnormal (Adj.) : different from what is usual/expected, especially in a way that is worrying, harmful/not wanted
(B) and (D) are SAME meaning words
38. (5) A-D
(A) Abundance (N.) : a large quantity that is more than enough
(B) Incomparable (Adj.) : matchless ; so good/impressive that nothing can be compared to it
(C) Projection (N.) : bulge, overhang, prominence, estimate
(D) Plethora (N.) : an amount that is greater than is needed/can be used ; excess
(A) and (D) are SAME meaning words
39. (1) A-C
(A) Purposefully (Adv.) : in a way that has a useful purpose ; with a clear aim and determination
(B) Inaccurately (Adv.) : in a way that is not exact/accurate or has mistakes
(C) Inadvertently (Adv.) : by accident ; without intending to ; unintentional
(D) Unchangeably (Adv.) : in an unalterable and unchangeable manner
(A) and (C) are SAME meaning words
40. (5) A-D
(A) Germane (Adj.) : relevant
(B) Generate (V.) : to produce or create something
(C) Reliable (Adj.) : that can be trusted ; that is likely to be correct/true
(D) Irrelevant (Adj.) : not important to/connected with a situation
(A) and (D) are OPPOSITE meaning words
41. (3)
Nascent (Adjective) = be-ginning to exist; not yet fully developed.
Emerging = beginning to exist; to become or appear known.
42. (2)
Eccentric = considered by other people to be strange or unusual; whimsical.
Abnormal = different from what is usual or expected.
43. (5)
Plethora = an amount that is greater than is needed or can be used; excess
Abundance = a large quantity that is more than enough
44. (1)
Inadvertently = by accident; without intending to, unintentionally.
Purposefully = intentionally
45. (5)
Germane = relevant connect-ed with something
Irrelevant = not important to or connected with a situation
Shared by Aparna Pasupuleti
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