Coding & Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims: 26th April

April 26, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Syllogism Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims: 25th April 2018

Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk 2018

Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. Today is the Day 5 of the 60 Days SBI Clerk Prelims Study Plan. The only way to make the grade in this particular section in the forthcoming banking exams is to practice continuously with all your heart and soul. And, to let you practice with the best of the latest pattern questions, here is the Adda247 Reasoning Quiz based on the study plan and the exact same pattern of questions that are being asked in the exams.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

In a certain code language, 
‘he deserves suffer Pain’ is written as ‘ma co te mx,
‘Pain is a healing sin’ is written as ‘mx mh la sa ox’,
‘Man suffer Pain’ is written as ‘mx te kl’
‘deserves is sin of Man’ is written as ‘kl mh co ze ox’.

Q1. What does the code ‘la’ stand for in the given code language?
(a) Pain
(b) is
(c) a
(d) healing
(e) Either (c) or (d)

Q2. What is the code for ‘sin’?
(a) kl
(b) ox
(c) mh
(d) ze
(e) Either (b) or (c)

Q3. In the given code language, which of the following means ‘a healing sin’?
(a) la sa mh
(b) sa la ox
(c) ox sa mh
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) mx mh la

Q4. What does the code ‘co’ stand for?
(a) deserves
(b) suffer
(c) he
(d) Pain
(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q5. What is the code for ‘he’ in the given code language?
(a) ma
(b) te
(c) co
(d) mx
(e) mh

Directions (6-10): Answer these questions based on the following information.

In a certain code:
 “ cat eats licks cream” is coded as - “5IT 3AU  5RN  4AT”
“ fighter  moves   not   box   break” is coded as – “  3OY  7IS   5OT  5RL  3OU”
“Greatest   boxer   wrong  alive” is coded as - “5OS  5LF   5RH  8RU  ”

Q6. What will be the code for “creator”?
(a) 7RS
(b) 7AG
(c) 6GD
(d) 5SD
(e) None of these

Q7. What must be the code for “destroyer”?
(a) 9ES
(b) 7OD
(c) 9ED
(d) 8SE
(e) None of these

Q8. Which of the following can be coded as “8IS”?
(a) Indians
(b) Different
(c) Instantaneous
(d) Division
(e) Sinister

Q9. If all the vowels of the word “darkness” are removed, then what would be the code for the resulting word?
(a) 7AT
(b) 8JD
(c) 6AT
(d) 5AD
(e) 6RT

Q10. Which of the following words could be coded as “6PU”?
(a) Greece
(b) Spirit
(c) Seven
(d) Sphere
(e) None of these

Directions (11 –15) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language,
'smell of later hand' is written as 'cl sa nk jo',
'cuff increase in hold' is written as 'ha fa rs da',
'hand hold of cuff' is written as ‘sa rs cl da' and
'smell hand in cuff' is written as 'cl fa jo da'.

Q11. What is the code for 'hand hold' in the given code language?
(a) cl fa
(b) cl rs
(c) da fa
(d) rs da
(e) None of these

Q12. What is the code for 'increase' in the given code language?
(b) fa
(c) rs
(d) da
(e) None of these

Q13. What does the code ‘jo’ stand for in the given code language?
(a) smell
(b) in
(c) cuff
(d) Hand
(e) None of these

Q14. What is the code for ‘cuff’ in the given code language?
(a) rs
(b) da
(c) fa
(d) Can't be determined
(e) None of these

Q15. 'nk fa da' is the code for which of the following?
(a) Hold of cuff
(b) Increase in cuff
(c) Later in cuff
(d) Can't be determined
(e) None of these

Solutions will be provided soon...


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Coding & Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims: 26th April 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 26, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for  SBI Clerk 2018 Re...

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