Test of the Day for IDBI Executive Exam 2018: 28th March 2018

March 28, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Test of the Day for IDBI Executive Exam 2018: 25th March 2018

We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like IDBI Executive 2018. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed. IDBI Executive Exam 2018 is one of the biggest opportunity for you guys to grab on, set you own mark and proceed with full confidence. All the very best for your preparations and All the future exams.

Directions (1-5): For each of the words below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word/phrase from the alternatives that is most the appropriate substitute in the given context and mark its number as your answer. 

Q1. Ail: This medicine is good for what/whatever ails you.
Ail- to cause pain or trouble for (someone), afflict (someone) in mind or body.

Q2. Welter: We need to sort through the welter of data we have collected.
Welter -move in a turbulent fashion, lie soaked in blood, a large number of items in no order; a confused mass.
synonyms-confusion, jumble, tangle, clutter, mess, hotchpotch, mishmash, flurry

Q3. Cornucopia: The book includes a cornucopia of wonderful stories.
Cornucopia -a container that is shaped like a horn and is full of fruits and flowers, a great amount or source of something/an abundant supply of good things of a specified kind.

Q4. Knavery: Other cities may let such things go, but we don't stand for any such knavery here
Knavery -action or practice characteristic of a knave. 2. unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing; trickery. 3. a knavish act or practice.

Q5. Embellished: White walls are embellished with black grass wallpaper and surface details are defined in marble, natural stone and tiles
Embellished-to decorate (something) by adding special details and features, to make (something) more appealing or attractive, make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features.
synonyms- decorate, adorn, ornament, dress, dress up, furnish, elaborate, embroider, colour, expand on, exaggerate, dress up, touch up, gild

Directions (6-10): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below. 
‘A @ B’ means ‘A is not smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’

Q6. Statements: 
 M%N, N$O, O*P, K$P
 Conclusion : 
 I. M%O
 II. O#M
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither conclusion I nor II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. M%O (Not True)
II. O#M (Not True)

Q7. Statements: 
 C%D, E*F, A#C, D@E
Conclusion : 
 I. A # E
 II. D @ A
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither conclusion I nor II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. A # E (True)
II. D @ A (Not True)

Q8. Statements: 
 D@E, B#C, C%D, A#B
Conclusion : 
 I. C # E
 II. C % E
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither conclusion I nor II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. C # E (Not True)
II. C % E (Not True)

Q9. Statements: 
 X@Y, V$W, U*V, W*X
Conclusion : 
 I. U $ X
 II. X % V
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither conclusion I nor II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. U $ X (Not True)
II. X % V (Not True)

Q10. Statements: 
 M%N, N$O, O@P, L*M
Conclusion : 
 I. M @ P
 II. O # L
If only conclusion I is true
If only conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither conclusion I nor II is true
If both conclusions I and II are true
I. M @ P (Not True)
II. O # L (True)

Directions (11-15): The following table provides information about the number of students applied for AIEEE examination from 5 different states in 5 different years. Study the table carefully and answer the following questions.


Q11. Find the difference between average number of students applied for AIEEE for year 2008 and 2011 from Assam and the average number of students applied for AIEEE exam for year 2007 and 2011 from Gujrat?


Q12. Number of students applied for AIEEE in 2009 from Assam is what percent of total number of students applied for AIEEE from Punjab in year 2009 and 2010 together?

Q13. Find the increase in total number of students applied for AIEEE in 2010 as compared to previous year?
Total number of students in year 2009 = 800 + 820 + 940 + 750 + 730 = 4040
Total number of student in year 2010 = 750 + 880 + 920 + 840 + 790 = 4180
∴ Increase = 4180 – 4040 = 140

Q14. If 20 percent of the total students applied for AIEEE from Odissa in all five years left Odissa and went to Haryana then find the new total number of students applied for AIEEE from Haryana?
Total number of students, applied for AIEEE from Odissa = 820 + 860 + 940 + 920 + 900 = 4440
20 percent who left Odissa = 4440 × 20/100=888
Total number of students applied for AIEEE form Haryana = 3810
After 20 perent who left from Odissa and joined Haryana = 3810 + 888 = 4698

Q15. If the ratio of male and female who applied for AIEEE from Odissa is 2: 3 then find the number of males and females who applied for AIEEE in year 2011 from Odissa ?
1776, 2664
2000, 3000
Cannot be determined
None of these
Since the ratio of males and females who applied from Odissa in year 2011 is not given


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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2018/03/test-of-day-for-idbi-executive-exam-28.html
Test of the Day for IDBI Executive Exam 2018: 28th March 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 28, 2018 Dear Aspirants, We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like  IDBI Executive 2018.  From t...

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