Reasoning Questions Based on Inequality for SBI Clerk

February 15, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Reasoning Questions Based on Coding-Decoding for SBI Clerk

Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2018

Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. The only way to make the grade in this particular section in the forthcoming banking exams is to practice continuously with all your heart and soul. And, to let you practice with the best of the latest pattern questions, here is the Adda247 Reasoning Quiz based on the exact same pattern of questions that are being asked in the exams.

Directions (1-5): In the following questions, the symbols $, @, %, & and # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below: 
‘A $ B' means A is neither greater nor smaller than B 
‘A @ B' means A is neither greater than nor equal to B 
`A % B' means A is neither smaller than nor equal to B 
‘A& B' means A is not smaller than B 
‘A # B' means A is not greater than B 
In each of the following questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true. Give answer 
a) if only conclusion I is true. 
b) if only conclusion II is true. 
c) if either conclusion I or II is true. 
d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true. 
e) if both conclusions I and II are true. 

Q1.Statements: W&P, P %G, G @ I, I # N 
Conclusions: I. N%W II. N # W 

Q2.Statements: U @ D, D $ E, E % Y, Y& W 
Conclusions: I. U @ Y II. W %D

Q3.Statements: Z % N, N # K, K $ M, M @ R 
Conclusions: I. M $ N II. M% N 

Q4.Statements: V&D, D %T, K $ T, K # F 
Conclusions: I. V% F II. V% K 

Q5.Statements: S $ Q, Q @ B, B &K, K # W 
Conclusions: I. W%K II. S @ B

Directions (6-10): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in thestatements. These statements are followed by two conclusions:
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If both conclusion I and II follow.

Q6. Statements: A ≤ D < C ≥ B < E
I. C > A
II. A ≥ C

Q7. Statements: P > L ≤ M < N > Q
I. P > Q
II. Q > M

Q8. Statement: S ≥ T = U < V ≥ X
I. V > S
II. V > T

Q9. Statement: M ≤ N > O ≥ P = Q
I. M ≥ Q
II. Q < M

Q10. Statement: U ≤ V < W =X < Y
I. Y > V
II. W > U

Directions (11-13): Read the statements carefully and answer the following questions.

Q11. In which of the following expressions will the expression ‘H < J’ be definitely true?
(a) G < H ≥ I = J
(b) H > G ≥ I = J
(c) J = I ≥ G > H
(d) H ≥ G > I < J
(e) None of these

Q12. Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression ‘K ≥ L > M ≥ N’ is definitely true?
(a) N ≤ K
(b) K = M
(c) K < N
(d) L ≥ N
(e) None is true

Q13. Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression ‘M ≥ K < T = Q’ is definitely true?
(a) Q < K
(b) M ≥ T
(c) K < Q
(d) T = M
(e) None is true

Directions (14-15): In each question, four statements showing relationship have been given, which are followed by three conclusions I, II and III. Assuming that the given statements are true, find out which conclusion(s) is/are definitely true.

Q14. Statements: F ≥  M, M> A, R< A, E > R
Conclusions: I. M>  E
II. F ≥ E
III. F<  E
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only I & II follow
(c) Only II and III follow
(d) either II or III follows 
(e) All follow

Q15. Statements: A ≥ B, M >B, D<  M, F =D
Conclusions: I. B > D
II. B < A 
(a) All follow
(b) Only I & II follow
(c) Only II and III follow
(d) Only either II or III follows 
(e) Only III follows

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Reasoning Questions Based on Inequality for SBI Clerk 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 15, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for  SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2018 Reasoning Ability  is an onerous s...

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