Venue- Tagore public school, Jaipur
Nodal - Bank of Baroda
Time -8:30 a.m.
I reached just at the time, and document verification took a while. Till 10:00 am, I had finished my document check, then they called me for the interview. So here is how it went.
I entered the room wishing everyone good morning. There were 4 males and 1 female, who sat quietly throughout the interview, didn't say a word. Asked them for permission to sit. I said thank you, sir.
Disclaimer: the complete interview was in Hindi.
M2: Banking Hatke, is the tagline of which bank?
Me: I don't know sir, sorry.
M3: What is JAM trinity?
Me: Sorry sir, I never heard of it.(well, it is an abbreviation of Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and Mobile, govt. Tools for financial inclusion)
M3: Who established UCO bank?
Me: I don't know sir, sorry.
M2: Your name is Sriram? Is there any famous personality, you know by this name?
Me: Yes sir, Pandit Shree Ram Sharma Acharyaa?
M4: Who was he?
Me: Sir he was the founder of Shanti Kunj, and established Gayatri Parivar ( who don't know).
M4: Where is Shantikunj?
Me: Haridwar.
M4: Who is currently managing it?
Me: Sir Shree Pranav Pandya Ji.
M4: Is Pranav Pandya Ji, Shree Raam acharya Ji's son, or son-in-law?
Me: Sir son-in-law.
M4: Then what is the name of Shree Raam Acharya Ji's daughter?
Me: Sir, I don't know.
M4: Brahma Kumaris headquarter?
Me: I don't know sir, sorry.
M2: Ever heard of Shreeram Vidyarthi?
Me: I explained again about Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, dumb me, so M4 interrupted me saying, "Aap abhi tak Shreeram Ji k khayalon me hi khoye hein? Bahar nhi nikle?"
Me: Sorry sir I don't know.
M3: There was river dispute in south awhile ago. Between which states?
Me: Sir Karnataka and Tamilnadu.
M3: Where does it originate from?
Me: Sir it originates from Maharashtra, and goes to Bengal ki Khadi. (they didn't ask for river name, I didn't bother to tell them, coz I was not sure whether it was Krishna or Kaveri)
M3: What was the dispute?
Me: Sir Karnataka was saying that river is flowing through their state so they must use the water first, and then leftover would be given to Tamilnadu, which is obviously not sufficient for Tamilnadu. So, fighting sir.
M2: What are the main nutrients in the soil?
Me: Nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc.
M2: No, no, only main.
Me: Sir its NPZ like nitrogen phosphorus and zinc
M2: It's not NPZ, Z is not main, what is it?
Me: Sorry sir. (it was NPK= nitrogen phosphorus potassium)
M2: What is used when nitrogen is less in the soil?
Me: Sorry sir, I don't know much about agriculture( well, now I know, you can use urea, compost, or can harvest peas which can grow in such soil)
M2: Agri is the main sector of our economy. You should know about it.
Me: You are right sir.
M3: What is FDI limit in defense?
Me: Its 100% in manufacturing, while other than manufacturing, 49% through an automatic path, and beyond that, govt. Permission is required. (it was a guess among so many FDI limits, later I checked that I was right, what??)
M2: You can go now.
Me: Thank you, sir.
Just this, and yes M1 didn't even bother to ask me anything. No budget, no Davos speech Modi Ji gave recently, no hardcore softcore banking terms, nothing. Surprises await you. Are you ready??

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