Dear Students,
In this modern era, everything seems incomplete without the involvement of English in our daily life. And no one can deny the importance of Vocabulary that is a momentous section to score up to the mark. SSC CHSL Exam is a nearby opportunity and then other exams conducted by SSC are in a loop this year where dealing with English Section may demand a grip over enticingly illustrious words. Envisaging the anxiety and perplexity of the aspirants who find it an uphill task to learn new words, we are providing important vocab facilitated with synonyms, antonyms, their proper usage through examples which will surely ease your grapple of storing apt number of words in your memory for longer time and in an effective way. It will be our pleasure to add up in your efficiency with each passing day leaving you well prepared for vying part of life.
1. VEST (verb): किसी को (शक्ति, प्राधिकरण, संपत्ति, आदि) प्रदान करना
Meaning: confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone.
Synonyms: entrust to, invest in, bestow on, confer on, grant to, give to.
Antonyms: hold, keep, retain, hold back, reserve, withhold, take over.
Usage: Citizens of the United States have the vested right to freedom of speech.
2. MALADY (noun) : रोग
Meaning: a disease or ailment.
Synonyms: illness, sickness, ailment, disorder, complaint, disease, infection, indisposition, affliction, infirmity.
Antonyms: wellness, soundness, cure, wholesomeness, vigor, remedy, medicament.
Usage: Cancer has become the most threatening malady next to cardiovascular diseases.
3. HEFT (verb) : वज़न
Meaning: lift or carry (something heavy).
Synonyms: lift, lift up, raise, raise up, heave, hoist, haul, manhandle.
Antonyms: hold, keep, lower, maintain, shun, drop, fix, dodge.
Usage: Reluctantly, she hefted herself up and picked up the phone.
4. OVERTURE (noun) : सन्धि प्रस्ताव
Meaning: an introduction to something more substantial.
Synonyms: prelude, introduction, opening, introductory movement, voluntary.
Antonyms: conclusion, finish, epilogue, addendum, aftermath, consequence, ending, coda.
Usage: He spent more time with the orchestra, with the overture in the beginning of the show than the whole block of the show.
5. DITHER (verb) : तड़पना
Meaning: Be indecisive.
Synonyms: hesitate, falter, waver, teeter, vacillate, oscillate, fluctuate, change one's mind, be in two minds, be ambivalent.
Antonyms: aplomb, calm, composure, equanimity, imperturbability, self-possession, tranquility.
Usage: We're still dithering over the Future Fund and talking of parking spare shares there.
6. ARCANE (adjective) : रहस्यमय
Meaning: understood by few; mysterious or secret.
Synonyms: abstruse, deep, esoteric, profound, recondite, inscrutable, mystic, uncanny, incomprehensible, cryptic, unanswerable, baffling, bewildering, confounding.
Antonyms: superficial, shallow, facile, straightforward, comprehensible, understandable
apparent, evident, lucid, manifest, perspicuous.
Usage: People always inquired why the identity of my grandfather was kept arcane.
7. DURESS (noun) : अवरोध
Meaning: threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgement.
Synonyms: coercion, compulsion, force, pressure, pressurization, intimidation, threats, constraint, enforcement, exaction.
Antonyms: agreement, approval, consent, permission, convincing, persuasion, reason, suasion.
Usage: I think Clark was under duress when she signed the agreement; he never would have voluntarily accepted those conditions.
8. SMUG (adjective) : आत्मसंतुष्ट
Meaning: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
Synonyms: bighead, complacence, conceitedness, ego, egotism, pompousness, self-admiration, self-conceit, self-esteem, self-satisfaction, swelled head, vainglory.
Antonyms: diffidence, self-doubt, self-disgust, self-hate, self-loathing, altruism, bashfulness, demureness, shyness, timidity.
Usage: Because Ricky had a smug attitude during his meeting with the principal, he projected the image he was proud of his misdeeds.
9. STAID (adjective) : सम्मानित और नई कोशिशों से कतराने वाला
Meaning: sedate, respectable, and unadventurous.
Synonyms: earnest, grave, humorless, no-nonsense, sedate, serious, severe, sober, solemn.
Antonyms: facetious, flip, flippant, humorous, jesting, jocular, joking, playful.
Usage: When people describe my boss, they describe him as a staid man who never smiles.
10. DAFT (adjective) : मंदबुद्धि
Meaning: silly; foolish.
Synonyms: balmy, bedlam, brainsick, crackbrained, cracked, crackpot, daffy, demented, deranged, lunatic, mad, mental, nuts, psychotic, screwy.
Antonyms: balanced, compos mentis, sane, sound, uncrazy, rational, reasonable, judicious, sensible, wise
Usage: We were shocked that Danny was so daft to believe John’s tale.
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1. VEST (verb): किसी को (शक्ति, प्राधिकरण, संपत्ति, आदि) प्रदान करना
Meaning: confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone.
Synonyms: entrust to, invest in, bestow on, confer on, grant to, give to.
Antonyms: hold, keep, retain, hold back, reserve, withhold, take over.
Usage: Citizens of the United States have the vested right to freedom of speech.
2. MALADY (noun) : रोग
Meaning: a disease or ailment.
Synonyms: illness, sickness, ailment, disorder, complaint, disease, infection, indisposition, affliction, infirmity.
Antonyms: wellness, soundness, cure, wholesomeness, vigor, remedy, medicament.
Usage: Cancer has become the most threatening malady next to cardiovascular diseases.
3. HEFT (verb) : वज़न
Meaning: lift or carry (something heavy).
Synonyms: lift, lift up, raise, raise up, heave, hoist, haul, manhandle.
Antonyms: hold, keep, lower, maintain, shun, drop, fix, dodge.
Usage: Reluctantly, she hefted herself up and picked up the phone.
4. OVERTURE (noun) : सन्धि प्रस्ताव
Meaning: an introduction to something more substantial.
Synonyms: prelude, introduction, opening, introductory movement, voluntary.
Antonyms: conclusion, finish, epilogue, addendum, aftermath, consequence, ending, coda.
Usage: He spent more time with the orchestra, with the overture in the beginning of the show than the whole block of the show.
5. DITHER (verb) : तड़पना
Meaning: Be indecisive.
Synonyms: hesitate, falter, waver, teeter, vacillate, oscillate, fluctuate, change one's mind, be in two minds, be ambivalent.
Antonyms: aplomb, calm, composure, equanimity, imperturbability, self-possession, tranquility.
Usage: We're still dithering over the Future Fund and talking of parking spare shares there.
6. ARCANE (adjective) : रहस्यमय
Meaning: understood by few; mysterious or secret.
Synonyms: abstruse, deep, esoteric, profound, recondite, inscrutable, mystic, uncanny, incomprehensible, cryptic, unanswerable, baffling, bewildering, confounding.
Antonyms: superficial, shallow, facile, straightforward, comprehensible, understandable
apparent, evident, lucid, manifest, perspicuous.
Usage: People always inquired why the identity of my grandfather was kept arcane.
7. DURESS (noun) : अवरोध
Meaning: threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgement.
Synonyms: coercion, compulsion, force, pressure, pressurization, intimidation, threats, constraint, enforcement, exaction.
Antonyms: agreement, approval, consent, permission, convincing, persuasion, reason, suasion.
Usage: I think Clark was under duress when she signed the agreement; he never would have voluntarily accepted those conditions.
8. SMUG (adjective) : आत्मसंतुष्ट
Meaning: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
Synonyms: bighead, complacence, conceitedness, ego, egotism, pompousness, self-admiration, self-conceit, self-esteem, self-satisfaction, swelled head, vainglory.
Antonyms: diffidence, self-doubt, self-disgust, self-hate, self-loathing, altruism, bashfulness, demureness, shyness, timidity.
Usage: Because Ricky had a smug attitude during his meeting with the principal, he projected the image he was proud of his misdeeds.
9. STAID (adjective) : सम्मानित और नई कोशिशों से कतराने वाला
Meaning: sedate, respectable, and unadventurous.
Synonyms: earnest, grave, humorless, no-nonsense, sedate, serious, severe, sober, solemn.
Antonyms: facetious, flip, flippant, humorous, jesting, jocular, joking, playful.
Usage: When people describe my boss, they describe him as a staid man who never smiles.
10. DAFT (adjective) : मंदबुद्धि
Meaning: silly; foolish.
Synonyms: balmy, bedlam, brainsick, crackbrained, cracked, crackpot, daffy, demented, deranged, lunatic, mad, mental, nuts, psychotic, screwy.
Antonyms: balanced, compos mentis, sane, sound, uncrazy, rational, reasonable, judicious, sensible, wise
Usage: We were shocked that Danny was so daft to believe John’s tale.
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