Dear Aspirants,
Life is all about challenges.What makes difference is the attitude towards the hitches faced by one. One’s adamant and determined mindset with flawless practice sessions is the only key to make you win instead of succumbing. And this is exactly what you need to own when it comes to crack SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam that comprises Quantitative Aptitude and English Language Section. Having said of these two sections, today Adda247 and Team is available here to make you score 160+ in Quantitative Aptitude Section of SSC CGL Tier 2 exam.
Without much ado, let’s discuss what you need to grasp and what you need to remain stress free about.
Time allotment for the exam will be 2 hours containing 100 questions with each question carrying 2 marks aggregating it for 200 Marks. A devoted aspirant must target to achieve 170+ score to make it safe for the final call by achieving high accuracy and avoiding attempting questions which can fetch you negative marking.
Shortcuts and Tricks is not the only solution this time. You can only expect 18-20 straight cut questions. Conceptual knowledge regarding basic methods or even time saving tricks must be clarified to you. Geometry, Trigonometry and Algebra accrued together carry 50% weightage of the exam itself. And remaining 50% contribution is by Arithmetic Mathematics summing up important chapters e.g. Profit and Loss, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, S.I and C.I, Time and Work, Average and Time and Distance and Mensuration Part.
Highlighting the possible weightage, difficulty level, important topics, tips, provided quizzes and pdf notes on particular topics, SSCADDA is all set to unravel key points which you need to be conversant of.
Weightage: 15-18 Questions (based on the observation made by last 5 years Quantitative Aptitude Section)
Easy to Moderate with expected difficulty level in 5-6 Questions, Time Consuming.
Question Topics: Triangle – Properties of similarity of triangle, properties of right angled and isosceles triangle, properties of different centers of triangle – circumcenter, orthocenter, incenter etc.
Circle - Properties of circle, chords, tangents, traverse common tangent, direct common tangent
Quadrilaterals – properties of square, rectangle, trapezium, rhombus, parallelogram, polygons
Coordinate Geometry – Equation of line using coordinates, finding slope of line using coordinates, properties of perpendicular and parallel lines.
Important Topics: Different Centers of Triangle, Transverse Common Tangent, Direct Common Tangent, Polygons.
Tips: Practice and just Practice with acuity and effortless calculation is demanded to master Mathematics. Solve Previous Years Questions with a proper Revision, Mock Tests and Quizzes in the least time. Note your mistakes and improve your calculation strategy to reduce the time taken in each question.
Weightage: 8-11 Questions are expected.
Easy to Moderate Level but if you are feared of this section or lack of substantial practice and question making, a few number of questions can throw you in hot waters.
Question Topics: – Different Trigonometric Identities, Degree and Radian measure of angles, height and distance concept.
Important Topics: Height & Distance and Trigonometric Identities.
Tips: Practice exhaustively the questions based on various identities so that it let you categorize the question at the first glimpse. Don’t look for various books but stick to the one you already have, just practice from it thoroughly to secure your precious time for time demanding questions which don’t go for simple identities and tricks but ask for step by step solving method. Attempt quizzes provided on ADDA247 App in SA Column and SSCADDA website.
Weightage: 8-10 Questions are highly expected from this topic.
Easy but can be tricky, Highly Scoring if formulae and concepts are clear on the grounded level. Some Questions can be time consuming.
Question Topics: Different Algebric Identities, Linear Equations in One and Two or more Variables and Functions.
Important Topics: Predominantly, questions are on Algebric Identities.
Tips: Most of the questions can be X + 1/X identity based where questions either are already in X + 1/X format or need to be changed into the said format to get the accurate answer. Solve as much as possible previous years questions. Available for Mock Tests and Sunday Challenges.
Weightage: 10-14 Questions hold the possibility to appear in the Exam from this Section.
Easy to Moderate but can be Time Consuming. Up to the mark Accuracy is expected.
Question Topics: Formulae of volume, lateral surface area and total surface area for cube cuboid ,prism , pyramid ,cylinder ,right circular cone ,frustum ,polygon ,quadrilateral.
Important Topics: Questions on Right Circular Cone/Frustum, Spheres, Cube/ Cuboid generally hold major weightage but you must be prepared regarding the detailed concepts of other figurative questions as well.
Tips: Solve Quizzes and Mock Tests, judge your performance. And learn quickest methods.
This section of Quantitative Aptitude holds 50% of weightage in itself and is of much importance to fetch you score of maximum accuracy.
Weightage: It contains 50 Questions in all from its submerged topics.
Question Topics: Time and work, Time, speed and distance , Boat and stream, Percentage , Number System, Simplification, Profit and Loss ,Discount, S.I & C.I, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Mixture and Alligation, Pipe and Cistern.
Important Topics: Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Average, Time & Work, Ratio and Proportion.
Tips: Only solving surplus question on varieties of questions based on said important topics can make you cross the impediment faced by you. Solve last five years questions and Quizzes to improve your time efficiency. Go through the notes provided on SSCADDA website in PDFs Format, Daily Quizzes on ADDA247 App and Practice Mock Tests provided in Sunday Challenge.
Here are the topics and number of questions asked in previous year exam in Quantitative Aptitude Section.
S.No | Topic | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
Number Of Questions | ||||||
1 |
Number System/HCF/LCM
7 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 10 |
2 |
Percentage, Average
10 | 8 | 10 | 9 | 10 |
3 |
Time & Work , Pipe & Cistern
6 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 |
4 |
Profit & Loss , Discount
10 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 10 |
5 |
Ratio, Mixture & Alligation
6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 7 |
6 |
Time Speed Distance , Boat & Stream Trains
4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 4 |
7 |
Interest (CI & SI)
4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
8 |
18 | 14 | 15 | 13 | 15 |
9 |
11 | 15 | 11 | 13 | 10 |
10 |
Trigonometry , Height & Distance
9 | 7 | 10 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
12 |
7 | 8 | 10 | 11 | 10 |
13 |
Surds & Indices , Simplification
2 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Total | 100 Questions |
In the last days solve as much as Mock Tests and analyze your performance with each passing day and continue revising all the formulae and tricks until the exam day appears.
Download Practice Mock | ||
Quant Mock Test-1 | ||
Quant Mock Test-2 | ||
Quant Mock Test-3 | ||
Quant Mock Test-4 | ||
Quant Mock Test-5 |
Over the years, there hasn’t been any significant change in the type of questions asked by SSC. You will be able to solve the questions with a much better pace and this will surely help you boost your morale if you continue practising effectively.
Do It Now, Sometimes 'Later' Becomes 'Never'.
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