Must Read Vocabulary For SSC CHSL & SSC CGL Exams

February 7, 2018    

Dear Students,

In this modern era, everything seems incomplete without the involvement of English in our daily life. And no one can deny the importance of Vocabulary that is a momentous section to score up to the mark. SSC CHSL Exam is a nearby opportunity and then other exams conducted by SSC are in a loop this year where dealing with English Section may demand a grip over enticingly illustrious words. Envisaging the anxiety and perplexity of the aspirants who find it an uphill task to learn new words, we are providing important vocab facilitated with synonyms, antonyms, their proper usage through examples which will surely ease your grapple of storing apt number of  words in your memory for longer time and in an effective way. It will be our pleasure to add up in your efficiency with each passing day leaving you well prepared for vying part of life.

1. STASH (noun)
Meaning: A store or supply of something, typically one that is kept hidden or secret.
Synonyms: cache, hoard, stockpile, store, reserve, reservoir, stock, provisions, resources.
Antonyms: cast, discard, dump, jettison, throw away, throw out, consume, squander, use up, waste, hand over, relinquish, dissipate, fritter (away), lavish, misspend.
Usage: He looks around for a place to stash the dough and start a new identity.

2. STEER (verb)
Meaning: Guide the movement or course of.
Synonyms: guide, conduct, direct, lead, take, usher, escort, shepherd, marshal, herd.
Antonyms: abandon, ashore, fuddle, trail.
Usage: I held back a smile at his obvious attempt to steer me back on course.

3. SEMBLANCE (noun)
Meaning: The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
Synonyms: appearance, outward appearance, approximation, show, guise, pretence, facade, veneer
Antonyms: dissimilarity, unlikeness, disagreement, disproportion, incongruity, unlikeness.
Usage: We get no closer to any semblance of truth, or any semblance of an idea of the best possible way forward.

4. WELL OFF (adjective)
Meaning: Wealthy
Synonyms: rich, affluent, prosperous, opulent, substantial, comfortable, propertied
Antonyms: penniless, deprived, impoverished, beggared, needy, underprivileged
Usage: If you want to have well-off families, you have to have a wealth-creating economy in place.

5. PORTEND (verb)
Meaning: be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen.
Synonyms: presage, augur, foreshadow, foretell, prophesy, be a sign of, indicate, herald, signal, bode, signify, spell, denote; betoken.
Antonyms: oblivious, contraindicate, assure, calculate, determine, establish, insure, demonstrate.
Usage: By hovering nearby, the dark clouds portend a storm in our area.

6. SUPERANNUATED (adjective)
Meaning: outdated or obsolete through age or new developments;
Synonyms: anachronistic, antiquated, broken-down, clapped out, defunct, long in the tooth, moribund, no longer used, obsolete, old, old fashioned, out of date.
Antonyms: modern, current, modish, newfangled, active, modernized, hipster, fashionable.
Usage: The information on my website was superannuated and needed updating.

Meaning: convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
Synonyms:  advocate, aid, assist, boost, brainwash, bring into the fold, convert, endorse, espouse, evangelize, foster, preach, proclaim, promote, propagandize, propound.
Antonyms: oppose, attack, refuse, disagree, renounce, repudiate.
Usage: It has been said that Mother Teresa was part of the missionary and her primary role here was to proselytize.

Meaning: interpret (a person’s words or actions) wrongly.
Synonyms: misapprehend, misunderstand, misinterpret, misperceive, misread, miss, mistake.
Antonyms: appreciate, apprehend, comprehend, conceive, fathom, get, grasp, penetrate, perceive, savvy, seize.
Usage: Judy had no idea that her intended compliment had been completely misconstrued by her aunt.

9. DODDER (verb)
Meaning: tremble or totter, typically because of old age.
Synonyms: totter, toddle, hobble, shuffle, shamble, falter, walk haltingly, walk with difficulty, stumble, stagger, sway, lurch.
Antonyms: steady, fix, hold, placate, stay, still, soothe, remain.
Usage: The old woman doddered from the bed to the table

10. AGAPE (adjective)
Meaning: (of a person’s mouth) wide open in surprise or wonder.
Synonyms: expectant, agog, anticipant, anticipatory, breathless, eager, enthusiastic, raring.
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, unimpressed, uninterested, unmoved.
Usage: When I first saw the sunset in the Grand Canyon, I could only stand staring with my mouth agape.

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Must Read Vocabulary For SSC CHSL & SSC CGL Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 7, 2018 Dear Students, In this modern era, everything seems incomplete without the involvement of English in our daily life. And no one c...

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