The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 3rd January 2018

January 3, 2018    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 3rd January 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial from the HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Questionable remedy: on the National Medical Commission Bill"
  • Questionable - possibly not true, accurate, good or complete
  • Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
  • Commission - a group of people that is officially put in charge of something or asked to find out about something
  • Rethink - to consider something such as an idea, plan, or system again in order to change it
  • Overhaul - to completely change a system in order to make it work more effectively
  • Regulate -  to control an activity, process, or industry officially by using rules
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Game-changing - completely changing the way that something is done, thought about, or made
  • Rein in something - to control an emotion, activity, or situation to prevent it from becoming too powerful
  • Accomplish - to succeed in doing something, especially something that you have been trying to do for a period of time
  • Oversee - to watch something in order to check that it works or happens in the way that it should
  • Successor - used about something such as an organization or machine that replaces something that did the same job before
  • Undermine -  to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Address -  to try to deal with a problem or question
  • Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
  • Controversial - a controversial subject, opinion, or decision is one that people disagree about or do not approve of
  • Shortfall - an amount that is less than the level that was expected or needed
  • Rationale - the set of reasons that something such as a plan or belief is based on
  • Partly - to some degree, but not completely
  • Prospects - chances of success, especially in a job or career
  • Caesarian - a medical operation in which a baby is born by being removed from a woman’s body through a cut made in her abdomen
  • Ultrasound - a way of producing an image of an organ inside someone’s body using sound waves
  • Administer - to give someone a drug or medical treatment
  • Anaesthesia - a process of giving a drug or gas to someone before a medical operation to stop them feeling pain
  • Empowering - to give a person or organization the legal authority to do something
  • Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
  • Practitioner - someone who works in a particular profession, especially medicine or law
  • Bolster - to make something stronger or more effective
  • Paucity - a small amount of something that is not enough
  • Under-served - if something is undeserved, you get it although you should not, because you have not done anything to deserve or to cause it
  • Massive - very large or heavy
  • Derail - to prevent something from continuing in the way that it was planned
  • Innovate - to invent or begin using new ideas, methods, equipment etc
  • Integrating - to make someone become a full member of a group or society and be involved completely in its activities
  • Ambitious - an ambitious plan, aim, or attempt is difficult and will need a lot of effort to succeed
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "On the ledger: on fiscal consolidation"
  • Ledger - a book that contains the financial records of a business
  • Fiscal -  relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes
  • Consolidation - the process of becoming or of making something stronger or more successful
  • Deficit - the difference between the amount of money or goods that a country or business has and the amount that it has spent or that it owes
  • Expenditure - money spent by a government, organization, or person
  • Revenue - income from business activities or taxes
  • Overshot -  to spend more money than you should on something
  • Significant - very large or noticeable
  • Insight - a chance to understand something or learn more about it
  • Obvious - clear to almost anyone
  • Disconcerting - making you feel worried, confused, or surprised
  • Slippage - a situation in which something is delayed or not achieved when it should be
  • Variability - the fact that something changes often or is not always the same
  • Adequate - good enough or large enough for a particular purpose
  • Apportion - to divide something such as payments between two or more people, organizations etc
  • Optimal - best; most likely to bring success or advantage
  • Underwhelming - not exciting, not impressive, or disappointing
  • Sluggish - not performing or reacting as well as usual
  • One-off - happening, done, or made only once
  • Transitional - temporary, or in the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another
  • Regime - a system of rules that control something
  • Bolster - to make something stronger or more effective
  • Scale back - to make something smaller in size, amount etc than it used to be
  • In spite of something - used for referring to a fact that makes something else surprising
  • Slippage - a situation in which something is delayed or not achieved when it should be
  • Sovereign - an old unit of money in the form of a gold coin worth one pound
  • Complacency - a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder
  • Reiterate - to repeat something in order to emphasize it or make it very clear to people
  • Inflationary - relating to or likely to cause an increase in prices
  • Traction - the degree to which a new idea, product etc is accepted
  • Footing - the position of one person, group, or thing in relation to another
  • Fiscal Consolidation - policies undertaken by Governments to reduce their deficits and accumulation of debt stock

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 3rd January 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 3, 2018 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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