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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 1st January 2018. Happy reading :)
Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 31st December 2017 (Sunday)
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "By evidence alone: on the 2008 Malegaon blast trial"
- Evidence - facts or physical signs that help to prove something
- Trial - the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent
- Narrative - a story, or an account of something that has happened
- Accused - the person who is on trial in a law court
- Overruling - to officially change a decision that someone else has made
- Right-wing - considered to be conservative in your political views
- Explosion - an occasion when something bursts with a lot of force and a loud noise, often causing damage
- Wounded - injured, especially with a cut in your flesh
- Guilt - the fact that someone has committed a crime
- Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group of people to do something bad or illegal, especially in politics
- Offence - a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment
- Varying - not all the same
- Culpability - responsibility for a fault or wrong
- Hatch - if you hatch something such as a plan, you plan it, especially in secret
- Supplementary - additional
- Chargesheet - to accuse someone officially of committing a crime and ask them to reply to the charge or defend themselves
- Conflicting - describes two or more things that cannot all be right or cannot all happen at the same time
- Alleged - claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved
- Accuse - to say that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime
- Perpetrator - someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act
- Cast a shadow on something - to make a situation seem less hopeful and more likely to end badly
- Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
- Substantive - important or serious, or referring to the most important or serious issues
- Dodgy - dishonest, criminal, or not reliable
- Miscarriage - an unsuccessful outcome of something planned
- Preliminary - coming before the main or most important part of something
- Augur - to be a sign of what may happen in the future
- Integrity - the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that you believe in, so that people respect and trust you
- Suspicion - a feeling that someone has done something wrong
- Agonising - very upsetting and seems to happen very slowly because something bad is happening
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "For a wider pool: clinical trials and the burden of volunteering for them"
- Clinical trial - a test of a new medicine that involves giving it to people
- Volunteering - to offer or choose to do something without being forced
- Vulnerable - someone who is vulnerable is weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally
- Flashpoint - a situation in which serious problems are likely to develop
- Bioethicists - people who study what is right and wrong in new discoveries and techniques in biology, such as genetic engineering and the transplantation of organs etc
- Landmark - a major event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process and makes progress possible
- Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
- Cosmetics - substances that you use on your skin to make yourself look more attractive
- Regulation - an official rule that controls the way that things are done
- Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
- Ethical - involving the principles used for deciding what is right and what is wrong
- Stifle - to stop something from developing normally
- Plaguing - to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time
- Exploit - to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to do this
- Metabolism - all the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used for energy and growth
- Generics - relating to or suitable for a range or class of similar things
- Therapeutic - helping to treat or cure illness
- Incentive - something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this
- Deception - the act of tricking someone by telling them something that is not true
- Regulator - a person or organization whose job is to be certain that companies, systems etc act fairly and follow rules
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Paramount - more important than all other things
- Compromise - to risk harming or losing something important
- Anonymise - to remove any information that shows which particular person something relates to
- Fudge - a method of dealing with a problem that does not solve it completely but hides its difficulties
- Isolation - the state of being separated from other people
- Dramatically - in a sudden and surprising way that is easy to notice
- Cross-section - a group that contains an example of all or most types of people or things
- Imperative - extremely important and urgent
- Affluent - rich enough to buy things for pleasure
- Pull your weight - to do your share of work
- Violation - an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
- Vigilance - the activity of watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately
- Vital - very important, necessary, or essential
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