SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam will commence from 18 Jan 2018 until 20 Jan 2018. Now you need to practice a lot in order to score higher marks. Adda247 has introduced a revolutionary product (SSC_PRIME) in the interest of the students. Now you have a great chance to improve yourself with SSC_PRIME that is available at a price as low as Rs. 699 with Ebooks for your concept building, and Exhaustive tests covering all major SSC exams. It includes 500+ SSC Tier I and Tier II Tests, Test Series especially prepared by Toppers of previous year SSC Examinations, Previous year papers of Tier I and Tier II, and Separate Topic-wise Tests. It's a 12-month subscription at a cost as low as just Rs. 699.
SSC spellbound lakhs of candidates to make a beeline in getting a government job adorned with a handsome salary, job security, and other beneficial perks. Adda247 launched SSC PRIME a few months back containing must-have study material including mock tests booklets, e-books, test book series of all the four sections that is prepared by the skilled experts having a long-term experience. Now SSC CGL TIER 2 is just a month away and the aspirants are in a dire need of a guidance to get through the exam successfully. Along with SSC CGL Tier 2, notifications of other exams conducted by SSC are in a loop in 2018.
Previously launched SSC Prime did a good job in meeting all the needs of the aspirants and most possibly this is the reason that we are flooded with a number of requests by SSC aspirants to launch the SSC PRIME once again. You may have the idea that the new SSC PRIME will be containing a study material based on the revised pattern and we didn’t leave any stone unturned in the previous launch of SSC Prime as well.
Our motive is to ease the access of SSC aspirants in getting a strategically planned content prepared by previous years toppers and experts to make the best of their efforts in getting their dream job. Adda247 is burning the midnight oil in extending the quality of study material to the pinnacle. Getting an error-free and high skilled content at a decent price will be something really beneficial for all the eager beaver aspirants. In the long run, the only thing that matters is you cracking the exam and living the life you have always wished for, no matter what you had to pay dearly in the course meanwhile. And, only practice along with hard and fast determination is the key to become an able person.
The most obvious question occupying the mind of new buyers and aspirants of SSC Prime might be, "WHY SSC PRIME?" To alleviate the inquisitive state of your mind, let us inform you all about the most essential features of SSC PRIME which include a large pile of mock test booklets, and ebooks to examine your own level of preparation. The descriptive book has been prepared by a veteran team of ADDA247 stressing over the difficulties faced by the candidates lacking in writing skills while facing a newly revised pattern od examination. Descriptive exam can’t be taken on a light note and the candidates who found themselves in hot water in previous exams regarding the same know its importance. No other platform will provide you with such an access to the aspirants waiting expectantly to own an advantageous package for his/her SSC Examination.
Without much ado, it’s time to make you aware of all the features of our new SSC PRIME:
No. of Mocks
SSC MTS (Available)
SSC CHSL (Available)
SSC CGL TIER I (Available)
SSC CPO TIER I (Available)
SSC CPO TIER II (Available)
SSC CHSL / (10+2) 2016 (All Shifts)
SSC CGL TIER II (Math’s) (Available)
SSC CGL TIER II (English) (Available)
SSC CGL TIER II (Statistics)
SSC CGL Tier II Finance & Economics
SSC CGL TIER I (2016 All Shift) (Available)
SSC CGL TIER I (2017 All Shift)
SSC CGL Tier – I 2018: Challenger Test series
E-Books (Available)
Topic Name
No. of Test
Advanced Mathematics
General Science
Indian History
Indian Polity
English Language Topic Wise for SSC
- Based on the latest change in the CGL Exam
- Topic-wise tests also included
- This package consists of 350 + Tests
- Test included for Tier-1 and Tier-II
- Previous 5 Years SSC CGL papers included
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Tests can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- The time limit 60 min. implemented for SSC CGL
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- The package contains 35 Mock Papers of all shifts of SSC CGL 2016
- Tests are checked and verified by Experts
- Actual Exam papers
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Tests can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- The time limit 60 min. implemented
- Based on the latest change in the SSC CGL Exam
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- The package consists of 25 SSC CGL TIER -I Full Length Mocks
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- Prepared by SSC CGL Toppers 2015: Ravi Shankar (AIR-1, SSC CGL 2015), Love Gupta (AIR-6, SSC CGL2015)
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Tests can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- The time limit 60 min. implemented
- SSC CGL Tier II Previous year papers from 2011-2016
- 6 Previous Papers of Mathematics
- 6 Previous Papers of English Language
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Tests can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- In depth analysis of tests
- Based on the latest change in the CPO Exam
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Contains 20 Full Length Mock Tests that can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- SSC CGL Tier I 2017 Mega Package
- This package contains 50 Online Tests
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Tests can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- The time limit 60 min. implemented
- The Online Test Series for SSC CGL consists of total 40 Mocks
- 20 Full Length Mocks of Mathematics
- 20 Full Length Mocks of English Language
- Easily accessible on App and Web
- Tests can be accessed online/offline 24*7
- Detailed and Complete Solution
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- In depth analysis of tests
- Based on the latest change in all SSC Exams
- This package consists 400 + Test and all SSC Exam tests are included
- Railways Exams test included
- Topic-wise tests also included
- Test included for Tier-1 and Tier-II
- Tests Available in English And Hindi medium
- The time limit 60 min. implemented for SSC CGL

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