SSC CGL Descriptive Paper for Tier 3: Essay, Letters & Precis Writing

November 8, 2017    


SSC CGL Descriptive Paper for Tier 3:

SSC CGL tier 1 result is out and now it is time to gear up for SSC CGL Tier 2 & 3, Tier-3 which is going to be descriptive writing test. SSC CGL Tier 3 will be a descriptive paper of 100 marks within 60 minutes in pen & paper mode. Most of the students did great in tier 1 and now are in high spirits, but coming to the next stage, they lose all the enthusiasm because of their lack of writing skills. They find themselves all at sea what to begin, and how to give it an impressive look. But don’t worry now with Adda247’s Guide to descriptive writing which is covering all the essential parts of descriptive writing like Exam patterns, tips and examples of letter, essay and précis writing, it will be possible to go through also this stage without any hesitant.  If you are adamant enough to crack this part of exam, download E-papers provided on our app. You can get the descriptive writing e-book from store adda247 for a nominal price of 199.

No need to take SSC CGL tier 3 in a light way as a good number of students cracked it with the coinciding score in qualifying for Tier I. That’s why Tier II & III play a decisive and momentous role in cracking SSC CGL & achieving your dream job. It is important to remind you that only those candidates who are securing at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination will be eligible to appear in the Skill Test.

Essay Writing:-
With essay writing, candidates find themselves in a dilemma regarding how to start an essay to give it an informational and impressive touch and how to represent all those ideas popping into their mind instantly. There is a set format that is required to score good in essay writing that you’ll get to know through this e-book for descriptive writing.
An essay is a long composition that you have to summarize with attention drawing key words and information regarding the given topic. In the e-books provided on our app, we have covered all the frequently asked topics like Demonetisation, Caste Based Reservation in India, Climate Catastrophe, Social Media etc. and Current affairs based trending topics like Doklam Issue, Blue whole challenge. Bullet Train, Challenges After GST Implementation etc. Practising these e-books are not only going to boost your confidence but also going to take a good control of you being verbose.While writing an essay as the word limit is 250 words and it has to be precise enough.

Letter Writing:-
In recent competitive exams, we come across the letter to the editor and informal letters. While writing a letter, one should keep in mind the word limits and must escape from making the letter verbose.
To help you understand the art and pattern of letters writing, the required tips and letter writing aids of both formal and informal letter separately are included in the E-book.To make the letters more concise and conspicuous, there are catchy examples of Letter to Editor, Complaint Letter, Grievance Redressed Letter, etc, in Formal Letter Category and Personal Letter/ Expression of Concern, Condolence Letter, Informal invitation, Letter of Congratulations, etc in the informal Letter Category.

Précis Writing:-
In Precis writing, we have to compress the content of the passage in a compact and informative way. In a nutshell, it is all about writing down the summary of a given passage as brief as possible but not lagging behind the scoring and important information. Highlight all the necessary information provided in the passage in the most concise way.

Through this e-book, you can take the advantage of being conversant about the key features and writing process, with solved examples.

Some Features associated with this book are:-

  • Format and useful writing tips for Letter, Essay and Précis writing.
  • Incorporate all popular and expected topics for Essay writing.
  • Solved examples of different types of formal and informal letters asked in competitive exams.
  • Practice Exercise of Letter Writing.
  • Expected Essay Writing Topics Based on Current Affairs

An additional and required stage of Examination i.e. Tier III which is a descriptive type paper of 100 marks in Pen and Paper mode. The timing for this exam is one hour. This paper has been introduced to assess the writing skills and vocabulary power used in the most impressive way which is necessary for Govt. Job. A thing to notice on here is that the paper would comprise writing on an Essay/Passage of 250 words and Letter/Application writing of approximately 150 words. Tier III holds 33% as qualifying marks. The language preference for writing will be either in Hindi or in English. Blunder to write half paper in English and half in Hindi must be prevented. To escape from hesitation, keep in mind that the questions in the paper would be of 12th standard.

Key points regarding Descriptive Exam, Answer Sheet.

  • Fill in the Name, Roll No. Ticket No. and Signature in the required boxes.
  • You are not allowed to write any of details in the inner pages.
  • You don’t have to write the essay as you are used to in a single plane paper instead the boxes will have been provided. Fill the boxes with each of a single word forming the essay.
  • Use the words precisely keeping the word limits in the mind i.e.250 words limit is the most accepted limit in an essay writing and 150 in the letter writing.

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SSC CGL Descriptive Paper for Tier 3: Essay, Letters & Precis Writing 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 8, 2017 SSC CGL Descriptive Paper for Tier 3: SSC CGL tier 1 result is out and now it is time to gear up for SSC CGL Tier 2 & 3 , Tier-3...

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