Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL

March 16, 2016    

Today’s Word from The Hindu

1. Pecuniary
•Meaning: relating or involving money
•Synonym: monetary, banking 
•Sentence:They saw in it, in the first place, a meansof pecuniary gain.

2. Brouhaha
•Meaning: uproar
•Synonym: fracas, to-do
•Antonym: peace
•Sentence:It was then I realized the Chief was still sitting in his chair, where he had been when the brouhaha started.

3. Astound
•Meaning: Shock or greatly surprise
•Synonym: Stun, Stagger
•Antonym: Bore, Annoy
•Sentence:Her bluntness astounded him

4. Aesthetic
•Meaning: Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
•Synonym: Beautiful ,Artistic
•Antonym: Ugly ,  Unattractive
•Sentence:The pictures give great aesthetic pleasure.

5. Detrimental
•Meaning: Tending to cause harm
•Synonym: Harmful , Hurtful
•Antonym: Harmless, Beneficial
•Sentence:Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people.

6. Meticulous
•Meaning: very careful and precise
•Synonym: Careful, Accurate
•Antonym: Careless, Lazy
•Sentence:The designs are hand-glazed with meticulous care.

7. Knack
•Meaning: ability
•Synonym: aptitude, skill, bent
•Antonym: lack, inability,
•Sentence:It was horrid of you but you always had a knack of rubbing one up the wrong way.

8. Brazenly
•Meaning: honestly
•Synonym: publically, candidly 
•Antonym: incompletely, secretly, 
•Sentence:But comparatively few realize how great were the fears, and how brazenly the prophecies were spoken.

9. Errant
•Meaning: wrong ,deviant
•Synonym: erratic, stray
•Antonym: normal,
•Sentence:I saw an errant man shouting at his daughter for skipping office

10. Peg
•Meaning: attach
•Synonym: fix, fasten, join
•Antonym: loose, detach
•Sentence:The dividend was pegged at 20percent.

All The Best !!!!
Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 16, 2016 Today’s Word from The Hindu 1. Pecuniary •Meaning: relating or involving money •Synonym: monetary, banking  •Antonym:  •Sentence:Th...

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