The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary | SSC CGL Tier-II 2017 Exam

October 30, 2017    

Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand out and be a success in your chosen field. In your competitive Exams for govt. jobs, English section is the most challenging. The best way to improve your language skills is by Reading newspapers. We are providing 10 vocabulary words from The Hindu Newspaper Editorial. Read and learn.

प्रिय विद्यार्थियों, हम आपको The HINDU Newspaper Editorial के Vocabulary Words प्रदान कर रहे हैं. हमारा सुझाव है कि आप दैनिक समाचार पत्र पढ़ते रहिये यदि आप The Hindu पढ़ नहीं पा रहे हैं, तो हम संपादकीय अनुभाग से प्रति दिन महत्वपूर्ण शब्दों को पोस्ट करेंगे. ये vocab words आपकी प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षाओं में बहुत मदद करेंगे.  हम अर्थ सहित 10 अंग्रेजी के शब्द उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं इनका अच्छे से अध्ययन करें.

1.Robust (adjective)-मजबूत,ठोस 
Meaning: strong and healthy; vigorous.
Synonyms: strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built, as strong as a horse/ox, muscular, sinewy, rugged.
Example: “The shipment of wheat is a landmark moment as it will pave the way for operationalisation of the Chabahar port as an alternative, reliable and robust connectivity for Afghanistan.

2.Harmony (noun)-सामंजस्य, तालमेल 
Meaning: the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect.
Synonyms: euphony, polyphony, consonance.
Example: A new bell in ’s Holy Family Catholic Church is ringing in the spirit of harmony after the previous one went silent half a century ago.

3.Paradox (noun)-विरोधाभास 
Meaning: a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.
Synonyms: contradiction, contradiction in terms, self-contradiction, incongruity, anomaly, conflict.
Example: Today, the primary lending rate is at a three-decade low and the fiscal deficit target is well within reach. It is thus the paradox of plenty that this government is unable to boost a stuttering GDP, encourage private investment, revive exports, or boost consumption.

4.Abysmal (adjective)-अथाह 
Meaning: extremely bad; appalling.
Synonyms: very bad, dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, shameful.
Example: The economy was gasping for breath with high indirect taxes coupled with poor exports, low credit growth, and abysmal private investment when demonetisation and a hurried implementation of GST brought it to its knees.

5.Modicum (noun)-अल्पांश 
Meaning: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable.
Synonyms: little bit, small amount, particle, degree, speck, fragment, scrap, crumb, grain, morsel.
Example: The present government is loud, solitary, and acts with a blunt force object, adopting a take-no-prisoners approach, lacking even a modicum of empathy for the common man. Looking at where we are today, I am all but certain that history will be kinder to Dr. Singh than his contemporary intellectuals and journalists were.

6.Derogatory (adjective)-अपमानजनक
Meaning: showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
Synonyms: disparaging, denigratory, belittling, diminishing, slighting, deprecatory, depreciatory, 
depreciative, detracting, deflating.
Example: He found the use of the term objectionable on three counts: the term was used by colonialists to describe the ancestry of a person; ‘native’ is also often used in a derogatory manner to make fun of or discriminate against outsiders; and why is the State of origin of the victim of any relevance to the report?

7.Inadvertent (adjective)-बेपरवाह
Meaning: not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
Synonyms: unintentional, unintended, accidental, unpremeditated, unplanned, unmeant, innocent.
Example: Internal inquiry reveals that the term was not used to denote any political or identity stigmatisation but was an inadvertent error in judgment.

8.Myriad (noun)-असंख्य
Meaning: a countless or extremely great number of people or things.
Synonyms: multitude, a large/great number/quantity, a lot, scores, quantities, mass, crowd, throng, host, droves, horde, army, legion, sea. 
Example: Journalism is an interlocking of multiple attributes. Venn diagrams used in mathematics are a tool to understand how myriad strands are woven into a broadsheet that exemplifies the best of the trade. 

9.Connotation (noun)-अर्थ, गुणार्थ
Meaning: an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
Synonyms: overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, hidden meaning, secondary meaning, nuance, flavour, feeling, aura, atmosphere, colouring, smack, hint, vein, echo, vibrations.
Example: The IPI glossary explains how words are more than what they seem and how they may possess more than one meaning or have a hidden connotation which may change over time and depend on circumstances. It urges journalists to realise that the knowledge of a language’s grammar and syntax will not suffice when trying to pinpoint the meaning of a word.

10.Brethren (noun)-भाई, बंधु 
Meaning: plural of brother. fellow Christians or members of a male religious order.
Example: On the Dusserah Day, the Mahomedans headed by Khan Bahadur Sardar, Mahomed Ali Khan, Main Sirajdin Khan showed very friendly behaviour towards Hindus by setting in procession route for their Hindu brethren and helping them in every possible way. 

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary | SSC CGL Tier-II 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 30, 2017 Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to st...

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