The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary SSC CGL Tier-2 2017

October 17, 2017    

Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand out and be a success in your chosen field. In your competitive Exams for govt. jobs, English section is the most challenging. The best way to improve your language skills is by Reading newspapers. We are providing 10 vocabulary words from The Hindu Newspaper Editorial. Read and learn.

1.Deceleration (noun)
Meaning: reduction in speed or rate.
Example: The sharp deceleration in the growth of the economy as revealed by the first quarter estimate of GDP released a month ago has been widely commented upon. The policy prescriptions needed to reverse the trend depend on our understanding of the factors responsible for the slowdown. 

2.Proliferation (noun)
Meaning: rapid increase in the number or amount of something.
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up, buildout, burgeoning, snowballing, mushrooming.
Example: Thus, the problem of proliferation in revenue deficit continues. The golden rule which the U.K. wanted to follow set no limit on fiscal deficit. But borrowing was limited to only financing capital expenditures. The implication is revenue deficit will be nil. We are far from this.

3.Replete (adjective)
Meaning: filled or well-supplied with something.
Synonyms: filled, full, well stocked, well supplied, well provided, crammed, crowded, packed, 
jammed, stuffed, teeming, overflowing, bursting, brimful, brimming, loaded, overloaded, thick.
Example: Indian economic history is replete with instances of adverse effects of fiscal expansion on inflation as well as the balance of payments. The huge fiscal expansion in the late 1980s, with the fiscal deficit at more than 10% of GDP leading to the macroeconomic and balance of payments crisis requiring the adoption of structural adjustment programme in 1991, has been very well documented. 

4.Aggregate (adjective) 
Meaning: formed or calculated by the combination of several separate elements; total.
Synonyms: total, combined, whole, gross, accumulated, added, entire, complete, full, comprehensive, overall, composite.
Example: The aggregate fiscal deficit at the Central and State levels budgeted for 2017-18 is about 6% of GDP, but this is likely to go up after the impact of loan waivers and increase in house rent allowance at the Centre and possible revision of pay scales in the States are taken account of. 

5.Slippage (noun)
Meaning: the action or process of slipping or subsiding.
Example: Furthermore, following pay revision at the Centre, some of the States may revise their pay scales which could add to the fiscal pressure. There could be a slippage of about 1% GDP in fiscal deficits.

6.Lambaste (verb)
Meaning: criticize (someone or something) harshly.
Synonyms: criticize, castigate, chastise, censure, condemn, take to task, harangue, attack, rail at, rant at, revile, fulminate against.
Example: The Aarushi case demonstrates that investigators cannot be expected to achieve the humanly impossible task of ferreting out all the hidden facts in respect of a crime. There will always be gaps to fill, and you cannot lambast an investigator for not getting all facts to the table. Only dishonest suppression of facts is culpable.

7.Beeline (noun)
Meaning: a straight line between two places.
Example: The beeline in the police these days is invariably to law and order, where there is the lure 
of pomp and money. The situation is nearly beyond redemption, because no direct recruitment to crime branches is possible without a grounding in the area of law and order maintenance. Many officers prefer to get stuck in the law and order division.

8.Strenuous (adjective)
Meaning: requiring or using great effort or exertion.
Synonyms: arduous, difficult, hard, tough, taxing, demanding, exacting, uphill, stiff, formidable, heavy, exhausting, tiring, fatiguing, gruelling, back-breaking, murderous.
Example: It is on record that three successive CBI Directors oversaw the case. When the heat was turned on the first investigator, another team was formed and strenuous efforts were made subsequently to get to the bottom of the mystery.

9.Reconcile (verb)
Meaning: restore friendly relations between.
Example: At the end of all this, we are not an inch closer to the truth. Can we allow the matter to rest here? Can we reconcile ourselves to the liquidation of two innocent lives without identifying the killer? That would amount to negating all that we look for in a civilised society.

10.Impel (verb)
Meaning: drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.
Synonyms: force, compel, constrain, oblige, necessitate, require, demand, make, urge, exhort, press, apply pressure, pressure, pressurize, drive, push.
Example: Despite all this, the CBI may have to reflect on what impelled the High Court to make harsh observations. If the court is correct on facts, then there is a need to reflect on restructuring procedures. 


The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary SSC CGL Tier-2 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 17, 2017 Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand...

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