The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary for IB ACIO Exam 2017

October 13, 2017    

Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand out and be a success in your chosen field. In your competitive Exams for govt. jobs, English section is the most challenging. The best way to improve your language skills is by Reading newspapers. We are providing 10 vocabulary words from The Hindu Newspaper Editorial. Read and learn.

1.Bourgeois (adjective)
Meaning: belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived 
materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
Synonyms: middle-class, property-owning, propertied, shopkeeping, member of the middle class.
Example: If the answer is more nuanced with caveats and qualifications, then it would enjoin the CPI(M) to pursue its own political goals independently of all so-called bourgeois parties.

2.Precursor (noun)
Meaning: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner.
Synonyms: forerunner, predecessor, forefather, father, parent, antecedent, ancestor, forebear, progenitor
Example: The top-level discussions could be a precursor to some relief measures that may be announced as early as Friday when the GST Council meets in the capital, as the discussions stretched till late evening, compelling Mr. Jaitley to skip the World Economic Forum’s India Economic Summit.

3.Stratify (verb)
Meaning: form or arrange into strata, arrange or classify, place (seeds) close together in layers in moist sand or peat to preserve them or to help them germinate.
Example: At the global level, these sectors are stratified, with profits neatly split up between large 
corporations and new kinds of non-innovator firms that simply amass patents speculatively in upcoming, promising technologies for spurious returns.

4.Patriciate (noun)
Meaning: a noble order or class, the position or rank of patrician in ancient Rome.
Example: The non-innovator companies are the patriciates of the system: when they hit the technology jackpot, they control the market and have the power to shift wealth and control competition. An example that beautifully captures the situation is Qualcomm Inc., an American company that is the legal patent holder of thousands of patents that are considered critical to build mobile phones with wireless technologies, accounting for a total profit of $5.7 billion through intellectual property licences in 2016 alone.

5.De facto (adverb)
Meaning: in fact, whether by right or not.
(adjective)existing or holding a specified position in fact but not necessarily by legal right.
Synonyms: in practice, in effect, in fact, in reality, really, actually, in actuality, actual, existing, existent, real, effective
Example: Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi pledged on Tuesday to hold rights violators to account over the Rohingya crisis but refused to blame the country’s Army, as the U.N. Secretary-General demanded an end to the military campaign and a better deal for the Muslim minority.

6.Unflappable (adjective)
Meaning: having or showing calmness in a crisis.
Synonyms: imperturbable, unexcitable, cool, calm, collected, cool, calm, and collected, controlled, self-controlled, self-possessed, cool-headed, level-headed, relaxed, insouciant, serene, stoical, phlegmatic, unmoved
Example: But those were the days when he could do no wrong as he was considered infallible and unflappable. But as regional parties began to exert influence at the national level, States began to dictate terms even in foreign policy.

7.Catapult (verb)
Meaning: hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult, move suddenly or at great speed as though hurled by a catapult.
Synonyms: propel, launch, hurl, hurtle, fling, send flying, send, let fly, let loose, fire, blast.
Example: When Rajiv Gandhi was catapulted to the posts of party president and Prime Minister after his mother’s assassination, he was an MP and party general secretary, having joined politics because of his brother Sanjay’s death. He had been in active politics for just four years (unlike his son who has completed 13 years) during which he demonstrated his administrative skills by successfully managing the 1982 Asian Games in Delhi.

8.Recalibrate (verb)
Meaning: calibrate (something) again or differently.
Example: That the talks to negotiate the India-European Union trade pact, the Broad-based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA), have not progressed during the 14th India-EU Summit, held in New Delhi on October 6, is, among other things, a sign that both sides continue to recalibrate their  bargaining power and understanding of their relative positions on the international stage. 

9.Paroxysm (noun)
Meaning: a sudden attack or outburst of a particular emotion or activity.
Synonyms: spasm, attack, fit, burst, bout, convulsion, seizure, outburst, outbreak, eruption, explosion, flare-up, access
Example: The Congress will begin on October 18, accompanied by platoons of analysts in paroxysms of tea leaf-reading, attempting to decipher which men — no woman has so far been appointed to the Party’s highest body: the Politburo Standing Committee — will control the levers of power in the country that is increasingly shaping global affairs.

10.Compliance (noun)
Meaning: the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
Example: But why are they doing this? It surely can’t be that they are celebrating the roll-out of the new indirect tax regime. By all accounts, most companies are quaking, fearing the huge increase in compliance costs and paperwork that GST will bring.

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary for IB ACIO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 13, 2017 Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to sta...

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