Important One Word Substitutions SSC CGL Tier-2 2017

October 15, 2017    

Dear Students, English section of CGL Tier-2 Exam is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practice a lot of mock tests to score maximum marks. Today, in this English quiz we are providing questions based on One Word Substitutions. Attempt this quiz, learn better and be prepared for the CGL Tier-2 2017. Follow our study plan and be better prepared for the SSC CGL Exam.

Directions (1-15): Out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence in the question.

Q1. The profession of writing dictionaries 
(a) Typography
(b) Biography
(c) Cartography
(d) Lexicography

Q2. Causing damage to both parties involved
(a) mutual
(b) internecine
(c) interdict
(d) interstitial

Q3. A cowardly and unfaithful person
(a) miscreant
(b) mendicant
(c) pervert
(d) recreant

Q4. A steep or almost upright side of a high rock, mountain or cliff
(a) nadir
(b) zenith
(c) precipice
(d) abyss

Q5. Characteristic of children or young people
(a) leonine
(b) juvenile
(c) puerile
(d) experienced

Q6. People or animals of a place that have been the earliest there from known times
(a) ancestors
(b) immigrants
(c) aboriginals
(d) natives

Q7. A large and impressive building
(a) mansion
(b) colossal
(c) citadel
(d) edifice

Q8. Next to each other
(a) simultaneous
(b) vicinity
(c) succession
(d) contiguous

Q9. Person prominent in a fashionable society.
(a) socialite
(b) social
(c) amiable
(d) amicable

Q10. One who believes that nothing can be said about God.
(a) theist
(b) atheist
(c) altruist
(d) agnostic

Q11. Thing to be corrected in a printed book.
(a) addendum
(b) corrigendum
(c) quorum
(d) memorandum

Q12. Study of population.
(a) ecology
(b) demography
(c) astronomy
(d) genealogy

Q13. Not allowing light to pass through.
(a) opaque
(b) transparent
(c) indirect
(d) invincible

Q14. In a state of apparent inactivity but capable of being easily called into action 
(a) active
(b) involved
(c) animated
(d) dormant

Q15. A period of inactivity in which some living organisms pass the winter (like frogs) 
(a) hibernation
(b) hustle
(c) diligence
(d) ambitious 

Important One Word Substitutions SSC CGL Tier-2 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 15, 2017 Dear Students, English section of CGL Tier-2 Exam is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practice...

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