As we had committed to provide you the study notes and a quiz based on that study, so this is our another study note on geometry.For more such concept based notesfollow us on a daily basis-
Study notes on "Geometry" For SSC CGL Tier-II 20164.55Yateendra sahuSeptember 25, 2017 Dear students, As we had committed to provide you the study notes and a quiz based on that study, so this is our another study note on ge...
Important Reasoning Questions for SSC CGL Exam 2017 Dear Readers,
Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Tier-1 Exam is going on and We are providing Miscellaneous Reasoning quiz in accordance with the syllabus of SSC CGL Tier-I. Daily we will follow this plan which will…Read More
Have a blessed Krishna Janmashtami!!!
Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.~ Bhagavad Gita
Bankersadda, SSCadda and Adda247 family wishes you a very happy Krishna Janmashtami. In India more than 800 million people celebrate Janmashtami to commemorate the birth of Kris…Read More
70th Independence Day| The seven glorious decades of Freedom
Dear Readers, here we are again all united in a uniform spirit to celebrate our 70th Independence day. Although it seems a bit odd that we need specific days to motivate us to get our spirits in sync. But nevertheless, it's never too late to wak…Read More
71st Independence Day | The seven glorious decades of Freedom
Dear Readers, here we are again all united in a uniform spirit to celebrate our 71st Independence day. Although it seems a bit odd that we need specific days to motivate us to get our spirits in sync. But nevertheless, it's never too late to wak…Read More
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