Have a blessed Krishna Janmashtami!!!

August 15, 2017    

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.~ Bhagavad Gita

Bankersadda, SSCadda and Adda247 family wishes you a very happy Krishna Janmashtami. In India more than 800 million people celebrate Janmashtami to commemorate the birth of Krishna. Many different Hindu approaches and traditions are practiced throughout the world in different countries. The Janmashtami festival reminds Hindus of Vishnu's triumph of good over evil.

Krishna is considered to be a warrior, hero, teacher and philosopher by Hindus.Krishna's birthday is celebrated eight days after Raksha Bandhan in the month of Sravana and celebrations are spread over two days.

The first day is called Krishan ashtami or Gokul ashtami. The second day is known as Kaal ashtami or more popularly Janam ashtami.Given the significance of Krishna in the Hindu pantheon, Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated with great importance and consideration.

Krishna is one such personality which you can never forget because he is so complete. He is in everything: from a King to a thief, from a Guru to a disciple, from a warrior to someone who just runs away from a war, from one who takes responsibility, and one who shuns all responsibility. So, he has exhibited all aspects of existence. That is why Krishna is complete.

Importance of Janmashtami 

The verses in the Bhagavad-Gita (a sacred book narrated by Lord Vishnu) say, that whenever there will be a predominance of evil and decline of religion, I will reincarnate to kill the evil and to save the good. The main significance of Janmashtami is to encourage goodwill and to discourage bad will. Krishna Jayanti also celebrates togetherness. The holy occasion brings people together, thus it signifies unity and faith.

The following are some of the key-Takeaways from this special day.

1. First Teacher: Mother
The extraordinary role of the mother as the first teacher is responsible for the female developing her authentic identity and embracing her sacred feminine. Once the child is born, the mother is both teacher and guide, the Gurdev Mata.

2.Knowledge Sharing 
One of the key-learning’s from this special day is not only to learn but also to implement the good-things. What we learn and should be shared with our near and dear ones. 

3. Happiness
If you do what you enjoy, you would definitely enjoy what you do.

4.Risk-Aversion Vs Risk Taking 
*DHAIRYE SAHASE LAKSHMI*. He who dares wins/ fortune favors the brave. This age old saying reminds us that taking a calculated risk may result in the fulfillment of the goal. It is a well-known fact that as human beings, we are inherently risk averse. "Health is Wealth"

5.Team Work
Dahi Handi celebration encourages working in a team, thus signifies the importance of team work. 
The age old saying reminds everyone about the importance of good health in every aspect of life. Poor health has adverse effects on the preparation level.

Message for Janmashtami 2017

The message of Janmashtami is to become inquisitive and become a Gyaani (knowledgeable one). 

What is life? What is the World? – this is inquisitiveness. Who am I? – this is knowledge. 

In every facet of human existence, if you want to see completeness, the example is Lord Krishna. This Janmashtami, know that you have Krishna inside of you, and knowing this repose in yourself. We see Krishna outside and do pooja,  that is fine, to begin with. But as you proceed on the spiritual path, see Krishna within.

May Krishna show you the way in your life as he showed the way to Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata. Have a blessed Krishna Janmashtami!


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- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/08/have-blessed-krishna-janmashtami.html
Have a blessed Krishna Janmashtami!!! 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 15, 2017 Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.~ Bhagavad Gita Bankersadda, SSCadda and Adda247 family wishes you a very happy Kr...

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