1. Sprightly: आनंदपूर्ण
(Especially of an old person) lively; full of energy; Joyful, gleeful, delightful, luxurious, happy
Example: I am awed by Indian Air Force (IAF) Marshal Arjan Singh, who still serves the nation at a sprightly 98.
Example: I am awed by Indian Air Force (IAF) Marshal Arjan Singh, who still serves the nation at a sprightly 98.
2. Anonymity: गुमनामी
The condition of being anonymous
Example: The anonymity of big city life definitely has its advantages
Example: The anonymity of big city life definitely has its advantages
3. Puerile: बचकाना
Childishly silly and immature; childish, childly
Example: Since my grandson is thirty-three years of age, I do not find his puerile behaviour amusing.
Example: Since my grandson is thirty-three years of age, I do not find his puerile behaviour amusing.
4. Mercenary: भाड़े का / लोभी
Primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics; money-oriented, grasping, greedy, avaricious
Example: Following his employer’s instructions, the mercenary killed the woman and her baby without a second thought.
Example: Following his employer’s instructions, the mercenary killed the woman and her baby without a second thought.
5. Incalculable: अनगिनत
Too great to be calculated or estimated; countless, innumerable, Incalculable, numberless
Example: Many TV channels seem to be totally unconcerned about the incalculable harm they impart by pitting one shouter against another only for the sake of TRPs.
Example: Many TV channels seem to be totally unconcerned about the incalculable harm they impart by pitting one shouter against another only for the sake of TRPs.
6. Jingoism: अंधराष्ट्रीयता
Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy; chauvinism
Example: When jingoism takes over and some veterans get involved, the effect is opposite and damaging.
Example: When jingoism takes over and some veterans get involved, the effect is opposite and damaging.
7. Wart: मसा
An undesirable or disfiguring feature,
Example: A nationalist blindly worships his country, and does not see warts.
Example: A nationalist blindly worships his country, and does not see warts.
8. Blemish: दोष
A moral defect; blame, defect, flaw, fault, imperfection
Example: A patriot acknowledges the warts and still worships his country while working towards removing the blemishes.
Example: A patriot acknowledges the warts and still worships his country while working towards removing the blemishes.
9. Yearn: इच्छा करना
Be filled with compassion or warm feeling; desiderate
Example: But somewhere deep inside, he yearned to do more.
Example: But somewhere deep inside, he yearned to do more.
10. Facet: पहलू
Aspect, side, dimension, phase, flank
Example: The programme creatively bundled various facets to create a strong employee volunteering programme.
Example: The programme creatively bundled various facets to create a strong employee volunteering programme.
11. Neonatal: नवजात
Relating to new born children (or other mammals)
Example: Over 40% of these deaths occur in the neonatal period: the first 28 days after delivery.
Example: Over 40% of these deaths occur in the neonatal period: the first 28 days after delivery.
12. Conduit: नाली
A person or organization that acts as a channel for the transmission of something; aqueduct, coulisse, waste-pipe
Example: Can a mobile phone be used as a conduit for people to absorb relevant information, build conviction and change mindsets?
Example: Can a mobile phone be used as a conduit for people to absorb relevant information, build conviction and change mindsets?
13. Congenial: अनुकूल
Suited, favorable, compatible, congruent, congenial, propitious
Example: Each HUL factory works out a congenial schedule that enables volunteering factory workers to set aside some time to act as Swachhata Doots.
Example: Each HUL factory works out a congenial schedule that enables volunteering factory workers to set aside some time to act as Swachhata Doots.
14. Disseminate: प्रसारित करना
Spread (something, especially information) widely Radiate, broadcast, diffuse, deploy, unfurl
Example: Health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information.
Example: Health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information.
15. Tandem: मिलकर
Alongside each other; together
Example: The local, state and central governments must work in tandem.
Example: The local, state and central governments must work in tandem.
16. Riparian: तटवर्ती
Onshore, coastal, circumlittoral, in shore, inshore
Example: The flow required to preserve Ganga’s biodiversity must be determined, and water entitlements apportioned among the riparian states, covering hydroelectric projects on the 400-km stretch in Uttarakhand, whose profusion has depressed the river’s flow.
Example: The flow required to preserve Ganga’s biodiversity must be determined, and water entitlements apportioned among the riparian states, covering hydroelectric projects on the 400-km stretch in Uttarakhand, whose profusion has depressed the river’s flow.
17. Apportion: बांटना
Divide up and share out; dispense, divide, distribute, give, dole
Example: The flow required to preserve Ganga’s biodiversity must be determined, and water entitlements apportioned among the riparian states, covering hydroelectric projects on the 400-km stretch in Uttarakhand, whose profusion has depressed the river’s flow.
Example: The flow required to preserve Ganga’s biodiversity must be determined, and water entitlements apportioned among the riparian states, covering hydroelectric projects on the 400-km stretch in Uttarakhand, whose profusion has depressed the river’s flow.
18. Profusion: प्रचुरता
An abundance or large quantity of something; abundance, sufficiency, plenty, richness, luxuriance
Example: He did not apportion blame or liability to any one individual
Example: He did not apportion blame or liability to any one individual
19. Quiescence: निष्क्रियता
Inactivity, inaction, indolence, idling
Example: The resort community's social scene is lively during the summer but undergoes a deep quiescence during the long winter.
Example: The resort community's social scene is lively during the summer but undergoes a deep quiescence during the long winter.
20. Curmudgeon: कंजूस
A bad-tempered or surly person; miserly, chary, churlish, costive
Example: What a selfish old curmudgeon he had been, always thinking of himself and his own likes and dislikes!
Example: What a selfish old curmudgeon he had been, always thinking of himself and his own likes and dislikes!

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