Vocabulary from Economic Times: 21 July 2017

July 21, 2017    

1. Belligerence: भावना 

Aggressive or warlike behaviour
Example: The message from China’s official, quasi-official and non-official sources is the same, the difference being the degree of belligerence.

2. Coerce: विवश करना 

Persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats; squeeze, constrain, force, enforce, compel
Example: In other words, China should have the freedom to coerce a tiny country.

3. Hyperbole: अतिशयोक्ति 

Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally; exaggeration, superlative, hyperbola, stretcher
Example: The reporting has been sane with none of the hyperbole coming out of various founts of the Chinese media machine.

4. Sane: समझदार 

Reasonable, sensible, brainy, clever, rational, shrewd
Example: The reporting has been sane with none of the hyperbole coming out of various founts of the Chinese media machine.

5. Fount: वांछनीय गुणवत्ता का स्रोत 

A source of a desirable quality or commodity
Example: The reporting has been sane with none of the hyperbole coming out of various founts of the Chinese media machine.

6. Diatribe: अभियोगात्मक भाषण / निंदा 

A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something; tirade, harangue, condemnation, criticism
Example: Maxwell’s diatribe came without any input from the Chinese.

7. Flounder: दुविधा 

Struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion
Example: He was floundering for information from sources far from Beijing.

8. Flap: फहराना 

(Of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly; flutter, agitate, wave, wag, waggle, shake
Example: China under President Xi Jinping has flapped its wings all around.

9. Anoint: नियुक्त करना 

Nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position
Example: The 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party is expected to anoint Xi for a second term.

10. Manoeuvre: पैंतरेबाज़ी 

Manipulate a situation to achieve an end; contrive, manage, engineer, devise
Example: But he is manoeuvring to stay in power beyond the traditional 10 years.

11. Adversarial: विरोधात्मक

 Involving or characterized by conflict or opposition
Example: Doklam is serious. But this is China’s continuation of adversarial politics by other means.

12. Exaggerate: विस्तृत 

Enlarged or altered beyond normal proportions
Example: The mythology around the closed Chinese system is so exaggerated that Western experts step gingerly around its constant aggressions, almost afraid to call China out as they do Russia.

13. Gingerly: सावधान 

In a careful or cautious manner; careful, wary, cautious, alert, aware
Example: The mythology around the closed Chinese system is so exaggerated that Western experts step gingerly around its constant aggressions, almost afraid to call China out as they do Russia.

14. Cognisance: ध्यान में रखते 

Knowledge, awareness, notice, consciousness
Example: Making a distinction between India and Bhutan, and treating them separately without any cognisance of the India- Bhutan Friendship Treaty, profits the Chinese.

15. Transgressions: उल्लंघन 

An act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence, violation, infringement, breach, contravention, outrage
Example: Earlier, border transgressions, such as the one in Depsang, occurred when Sino-Indian relations were relatively stable — or at least in better shape than they are now.

16. Naively: भोलेपन से 

In a way that shows a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement; credulously, fondly, guilelessly
Example: After Modi naïvely tried to establish a personal relationship with Xi and failed, the more innate parts of the BJP’s thinking on China appear to have crept in.

17. Innate: जन्मजात 

Inborn, natural
Example: After Modi naïvely tried to establish a personal relationship with Xi and failed, the more innate parts of the BJP’s thinking on China appear to have crept in.

18. Apoplectic: उन्माद 

Overcome with anger; furious
Example: The Chinese were apoplectic when the Dalai Lama visited Arunachal Pradesh.

19. Nuisance: बाधा 

A person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance; obstacle, handicap, obstruction, hindrance, interrupt
Example: The list of hostile acts by the Chinese against India is long, starting with making Pakistan into a bigger nuisance than it already was by augmenting its nuclear and missile capabilities.

20. Stand-off: गतिरोध 

A deadlock between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict; deadlock, impasse, stalemate, stymie, sidetrack
Example: The 16-day-old stand-off was no closer to being resolved.
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2017/07/vocabulary-from-economic-times-21-july.html
Vocabulary from Economic Times: 21 July 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 21, 2017 1. Belligerence: भावना  Aggressive or warlike behaviour Example: The message from China’s official, quasi-official and non-official sour...

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