Errors spotting in English Language - Part 6

July 29, 2016    

error spotting

Directions :

In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is "No error'.
1. The car flew off the road (a) /  and fell into the valley (b) /  because Ashish (c) /  was driving faster (d) / No error (e).
 2. Watch how careful (a) /  the sparrow  knits the (b) /  straws  into one another (c) / No error (d).
3. Of all the friends (a) / i have had , he is the most helpful (b) /  and less arrogant (c) / No error (d).
4. Geometry and Drawing (a) / are more easier than (b) /  Geography  and Social Studies (c) No error (d).
5.  He is (a) /  too intelligent (b) /  to make a mistake  (c) / No error (d).
6. My observation is that  (a)/  between  vivek and Shashi, (b) /  Vivek is the  most  intelligent (c)/ No error (d).
7.  The technician reminded (a) /  them to have a (b) /  thoroughly  cleaning  of the (c) / machine  after each use (d) / No error (e).
8. Firstly you should  (a)/ think over the meaning  of the words (b)/  and then use them  (c)/ No error (d).
9. I have had to work (a) /. at  the fountain for almost (b)/ ten hours before it could (c)/ start  functioning  well (d) / No error (e).
10. I courteously asked him (a)/ where  was he going (b) /  but he did not reply (c)  No error (d).

solutions :

1. Replace 'faster' by 'fast'  . No comparison has  been made here  and so  positive degree should be used.
2.  Replace 'careful' by carefully'
3. Replace 'less' by 'least'
4.Remove 'more' Double comparatives are not used
5. No error
6. Replace 'the most' by 'more'
7. Replace ' thoroughly' by  'thorough'
8.  Replace 'firstly' by 'first'
9. No error
10. The correct from is 'where he was going'
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Errors spotting in English Language - Part 6 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 29, 2016 Directions : In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is &...

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