Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for IBPS Exams 2017 was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for Banking and all other Competitive exams can use this practice questions.
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight balls are arranged in a stack from bottom to top numbered from 1-8 each from a different e commerce games; Cricket, Football, Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Rugby, Table Tennis and Badminton not necessarily in the same order.Each ball has different colours viz,Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Black, Pink and Orange not necessarily in the same order. The arrangement is based on the following rules:
• The ball from Tennisgame is kept at an even numbered position
• There are 3 balls between the ball from Tennisgame and the ball with Orangecolour
• The ball from Golfgame is either at the top or at the bottom of the stack
• Ball number 2 has Redcolour and it is not from Tennisgame
• Ball with the Whitecolour is kept between the ball from Table Tennisgame and the ball having Yellowcolour
• The ball from Cricketgame is kept one ball above the ball from Hockeygame
• There are 4 balls between the ball with Bluecolour and the ball from Table Tennisgame
• There are 3 balls between the ball with Whitecolour and the ball with Greencolour
• The ball from Badmintongame is between the ball with Pinkcolour and the ball from Rugbygame
• The ball from Table Tennisgame does not have Pinkcolour
1).How many balls are kept between Cricketgameball and Golfgameball?
Answer is: B
Ball Position
Ball Colours
Table Tennis
Answer is: B
2). Which of the following gameball kept in 3rd position?
Answer is: C
Answer is: C
3). The ball from Tennisgame is kept in which of the following floor?
Answer is: A
Answer is: A
4). Which of the following statement is true?
Answer is: D
Answer is: D
5). Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
Answer is: E
Answer is: E
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven games - High jump, Pole vault, Long jump, Triple jump, Shot put, Discus throw and Javelin throw–held on Bhubaneswar on Sunday. Each game starting at different times 4 AM, 7 AM, 8 AM, 10 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM and 6 PM not necessarily in the same order. And ends at different times.
• Long jump is the earliest to start. Its starting time is not after 7 a.m. and its total time is two hours less than the total time of Discus throw.
• Since High jumpis the least duration game, it starts before 7 p.m. and the games end at 9 p.m.
• Triple jumpstarts at Sunday 10 a.m. and takes 19 hours to finish the game.
• There is a four hour gap between the starting times of Shot put, starting at 8 a.m. and Long jump.
• Shot put takes one hour more than the total time of Long jump to finish the game.
• High jumpstarts five hours after Pole vaultstarts but takes only three hours to finish the game.
• Discus throw and Javelin throw take 10 hours and 8 hours to finish the game.
• Discus throwstarts at 3 p.m. and there is gap of 8 hours between the starting times of Discus throw and Javelin throw.
• One game ends at 6 p.m.
6). Which of the following game starting last on Sunday?
Answer is: B
Spots Names
Starting Time
Ending Time
Pole vault
12:00 noon
Triple jump
5:00 AM (Monday)
Discus throw
1:00 AM (Monday)
Javelin throw
Answer is: B
7). Which of the following gamesends on Monday?
Answer is: C
Answer is: C
8). What is the difference between the starting timing of Triple jump and High jump games?
Answer is: D
Answer is: D
9). How many gamesstarting between Pole vault and Discus throw?
Answer is: A
Answer is: A
10). Which of the following statement is true as per the given information?
Answer is: E
Answer is: E
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