Here in English Scoring Part we are providing 10 Questions in Reading Comprehension, 5 Questions in Cloze Test, 5 Questions in Error Spotting, total 20 questions in 15 Minutes. By practicing these questions regularly you can increase your calculation speed and it will help you to increase your score.
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Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Communal politics, which ironically passes for secularism in this country, has been the bane of Indian politics. It can be traced back to the British policy of ‘divide and rule’, the result of which was Partition. The Constitution was a repudiation of these ideas and the politics that perpetuated them. It rejected the suggestions for a separate electorate for the minorities and the proportional representation system, which it felt would lead to a perpetually enervated nation. But in most policies that have been followed until now, we have seen furtherance of vote-bank politics. The narrative has to change. The recent PIL filed by a Jammu-based advocate, Ankur Sharma, in the Supreme Court, alleging that the rights of religious and linguistic minorities in the State are being “siphoned off illegally and arbitrarily” and the subsequent affidavits by the Central and Jammu and Kashmir governments give us a chance to look again into the secularism versus communalism debate.While Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution guarantee certain rights to minorities for protection of their culture, script, and languages, the Constitution has not defined or identified religious and linguistic minorities. The question of who will determine which group is a minority was also left unanswered until the Supreme Court settled this in TMA Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka, wherein it held that theunit for the purpose of determining the definition of minority would be the State, not the whole of India.The setting up of a Minorities Commission was envisaged in 1978 to ensure that minorities are able to enjoy the safeguards provided for them in the Constitution and various Central and State laws. The National Commission for Minorities Act was passed in 1992 to give a statutory backing to the Commission. According to Section 1 (ii) of the Act, it extends to the whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir, and as per Section 2 (iii), ‘minority’ means a community notified as such by the Central government. Using this power, the Central government through a gazette notification dated October 23, 1993 notified Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis) as ‘minorities’ for the purpose of this Act. Jains were declared as a minority later.According to the 2011 Census, out of 28 States (Andhra Pradesh had not been bifurcated yet) and seven Union Territories, Hindus are a religious minority in seven States (Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab) and in one UT (Lakshadweep). In J&K, Hindus have been at the receiving end of majoritarian wrath, and the constitutional guarantee of liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship is being violated there. The status of West Pakistan refugees, who had migrated there at the time of Partition, is also relevant. Reports suggest that there are about 2.5 lakh Hindus. They are not recognised as state subjects and are denied the most basic human rights.
1). What can be true regarding communal politics?
1. Communal politics have the policy of divide and rule.
2. Communal politics have no place in our constitution.
3. Communal politics is done for the vote bank.
Answer: E
2). Why the debate on secularism versus communalism can be started again?
1. Rights of religious and linguistic minorities are taken out.
2. Communal politics give us a chance to debate.
3. Vote bank politics violates the right.
Answer: A
3). What can be true regarding constitution of India?
1. Constitution of India guarantee some rights to minorities for protection of their culture, script, and language.
2. Constitution of India have no definitions of religious and linguistic minorities.
3. Constitution of India consists separate electorate system.
Answer: D
4). What can be the most suitable title for the passage?
Answer: D
5). What is true regarding minority commission?
1. It gets legal support by the Minorities Act
2. It works on the basis of constitution and central and state laws.
3. It defined the religious and linguistic minorities.
Answer: D
Directions (Questions- 06 to 09): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
6). Majoritarian wrath
Answer: A
7). Envisaged
Answer: A
8). Bane
Answer: A
9). Siphoned off
Answer: A
Directions (Questions- 10): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
10). Enervated
Answer: A
Directions (11-15): In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required”.
The mismatch between the number of people who annually reach working age and the availability of jobs has been a matter of constant (1)[involvement] globally during the better part of the period since the global financial crisis of the last decade. The International Labour Organisation’s latest forecast that a few more millions are set to join the pool of the jobless during this year and the next, is in line with its own previous estimates. In any case, with the growth in global gross domestic product registering a six-year low in 2016, expectations of generation (2)[under] new jobs were always going to be low. But a no-less-serious concern in the ‘World Employment and Social Outlook 2017’ pertains to the stubborn challenge of reducing the extent of vulnerability that currently affects about 42 per cent of the total working population. This concern refers to lack of access to contributory social protection schemes among the self-employed and allied categories, unlike their (3)[copy] in the wage-earning and salaried classes. The former segment accounts for nearly 50 per cent of workers in the emerging economies and 80 percent in developing countries. The (4)[need] faced by these 1.4 billion working people will become more apparent when seen in the backdrop of either the absence of strong welfare legislation or its effective (5)[abandon] in a majority of these countries.</span>
11). ?
Explanation:- ‘Concern’ means ‘related to something, which matches with the context.
12). ?
Explanation:- The correct preposition will be ‘of’.
13). ?
Explanation:- The correct option is ‘ counterparts’ i.e., matches.
14). ?
Explanation:- ‘Hardships’ means the struggle faced, so it will be appropriate here.
15). ?
Explanation:- ‘Enforcement’ means execution or implementation which goes with it.
Directions (16-20): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e):-
16). By practicing meditation you can also (a)/ achieve collective consciousness, (b)/ which has not been felt and (c)/ learn by anyone so far.(d)/ No Error(e)
Explanation:- The sentence is in past tense, so the verb in this part ‘learn’ will also will be ‘learnt’.
17). For years, road users(a)/ has paid a standalone (b)/ cess on fuel to(c)/ fund safety upgrades.(d)/ No Error(e)
Explanation:- The noun is in plural form, so helping verb ‘has’ will be replaced by ‘have’.
18). For the early 20th century, more than a dozen(a)/ countries had established whaling and sealing (b)/ stations and made territorial claims on enormous(c)/ chunks of Antarctica and its outlying islands.(d)/ No Error(e)
Explanation:- The ‘for’ word in the first part is wrong, ‘During’ will come.
19). My happiness is derived not from (a)/ reaching a goal, but from a (b)/ struggle I wage as part (c)/ of my attempt at reaching it.(d)/ No Error(e)
Explanation:- ‘A’ will be replaced by ‘the’.
20). The states and (a)/ the Centre must(b)/ swiftly tie all(c)/ the loose ends.(d)/ No Error(e)
Explanation:- The phrase ‘tie up’ is used incorrectly here.

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