IBPS Clerk/RRB 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions

November 5, 2016    

IBPS Clerk 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions
IBPS Clerk/RRB 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions Set-29:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IBPS RRB/Clerk Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.
1).Rachna walked from A to B in the East 10 feet. Then she turned to the right and walked 3 feet. Again she turned to the right and walked 14 feet. How far is she from A?
a)    4 feet
b)    5 feet
c)    24 feet
d)    27 feet
e)    None of these
2).One morning after sunrise Nivedita and Niharika were talking to each other face to face at Dalphin crossing. If Niharika's shadow was exactly to the right of Nivedita, Which direction Niharika was facing?
a)    North
b)    South
c)    East
d)    Data is inadequate
e)    None of these
3).Ranveer left home and cycled 10 km towards South, then turned right and cycled 5 km and then again turned right and cycled 10 km. After this he turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight?
a)    10 km
b)    15 km
c)    20 km
d)    25 km
e)    None of these
Directions (Q. 4-5): In the following questions, the symbols *, $, @, %, and # are used with the following meanings:
P * Q means P is greater than Q.
P $ Q means P is either greater than or equal to Q.
P @ Q means P is equal to Q.
P % Q means P is smaller than Q.
P # Q means P is either smaller than or equal to Q.
Now in each of the following questions, assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true. Give answer.
a)    if only conclusion I is true;
b)    if only conclusion II is true;
c)    if either I or II is true;
d)    if neither I NOR II is true; and
e)    if both I and II are true.
4). Statements: M*N, N#Q, Q#D
Conclusions:I. M*D       II.Q@D
5). Statements: V*X, U#Z, X@U
Conclusions:I. V*Z       II. X@Z
Directions (Q. 1-3):
A + B means A is the father of B ;
A - B means A is the wife of B ;
A x B means A is the brother of B ;
A ÷ B means A is the daughter of B.
6). If P x R ÷ Q, which of the following statements is true ?
a)    P is the uncle of Q
b)    P is the father of Q
c)    P is the brother of Q
d)    P is the son of Q
e)    None of these
7). If P x R - Q, which of the following is true ?
a)    P is the brother-in-law of Q
b)    P is the brother of Q
c)    P is the uncle of Q
d)    P is the father of Q
e)    None of these
8). If P x R + Q, which of the following is true ?
a)    P is the uncle of Q
b)    P is the father of Q
c)    P is the brother-in-law of Q
d)    P is the grandfather of Q
e)    None of these
9).If A + B means A is the mother of B; A – B means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B, which of the following shows that P is the maternal uncle of Q?
a)    Q – N + M x P     
b)    P + S x N – Q
c)    P – M + N x Q     
d)    Q – S % P
e)    None of these
10). If A + B means A is the brother of B; A x B means A is the son of B; and A % B means B is the daughter of A then which of the following means M is the maternal uncle of N?
a)    M + O x N            
b)    M % O x N + P
c)    M + O % N          
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
1)b    2)a    3)b   4)d    5)d    6)d   7)a    8)a   9)c    10)d

Answer: b)

In the morning sun rises in the East. Hence then any shadow falls in the West. Since Nikharia's shadow was exactly to the right of Nivedita. Hence Nikharia is facing towards North.
Answer: a)

Answer: b)
Answer: d)
Answer: d)
6).P X R ÷ Q means P is the brother of R who is the daughter of Q i.e. P is the son of Q.
Answer: d)
7).P x R - Q means P is the brother of R who is the wife of Q i.e. P is the brother-in-law of Q.
Answer: a)
8).P is the uncle of Q
P x R + Q means P is the brother of R who is the father of Q i.e. P is the uncle of Q
Answer: a)
9).P – M → P is the brother of MM + N → M is the mother of NN x Q → N is the sister of Q Therefore, P is the maternal uncle of Q.
Answer: c)
10).Because the sex of O is not known.
Answer: d)
More Practice Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO/Clerk - Click Here 

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IBPS Clerk/RRB 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 5, 2016 IBPS Clerk/RRB 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions Set-29: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upco...

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