Mixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions for SSC CGL Exams-2017

June 15, 2017    

Dear Students, SSC has released the notification for CGL 2017. This time again the competition is going to be very stiff. Questions from Quant are asked in Tier-1 and Tier-II as well. Hence, you need to focus on this subject more. The only trick to master Quant is "practice'. So, Practice daily. We are providing topic-wise quant quizzes, solve, learn, succeed.

Q6. In a partnership A invests 1/6th of the capital for 1/6th of the time, B invests 1/4th  capital for 1/4th time and C invests the remaining capital for the whole time, If at the end of the year, the profit, earned is 97,000 then what will be B’s share?
(a) Rs 5500
(b) Rs 9000
(c) Rs 6000
(d) Rs 45000

Q7. A, B and C are partners in a business. A, whose money has been used for 4 months, claims 1/8 of the profit, B whose money has been used for 6 months, claims 1/3 of the profit. C had invested Rs 1560 for 8 months. How much money did A and B contribute?
(a) Rs 740, Rs 1250
(b) Rs 730, Rs 1240
(c) Rs 720, Rs 1280
(d) Rs 750, Rs 1260

Q8. A, B and C enter into a partnership.  A advances Rs 1200 for 4 months, B puts Rs 1400 for 8 months, and C puts Rs 1000 for 10 months. They gain Rs. 455 altogether. Find the share of each.
(a) Rs 118, Rs 242, Rs 235
(b) Rs 108, Rs 252, Rs 225
(c) Rs 128, Rs 242, Rs 215
(d) Rs 84, Rs 196, Rs 175

Q9. A and B enter into a partnership for a year. A contributes Rs 3000 and B Rs 4000. After 4 months, they admit C, who contributes Rs 4500. If B withdraws his contribution after 6 months, how would they share a profit of Rs 1000 at the end of the year?
(a) Rs 250, Rs 200, Rs 550
(b) Rs 150, Rs 200, Rs 650
(c) Rs 375, Rs 250, Rs 375
(d) Data Inadequate

Q10. A, B and C enter into a partnership with capitals in the ration 5: 6: 8. At the end of the business term, they received the profits in the ratio 5: 3: 12. Find the ratio of time for which they contributed their capitals?
(a) 2: 1: 3
(b) 1: 2: 3
(c) 2: 3: 1
(d) 3: 2: 1

Q11. An employer reduces the number of his employees in the ratio 9: 7 and increases their wages in the ratio 14: 15. State whether his bill of total wages increases or decreases, and in what ratio.
(a) 11: 15
(b) 20: 21
(c) 6: 5
(d) Can’t be determined

Q12. A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 4: 3 respectively. If 6 litres of water is added to this mixture, the respective ratio of milk and water becomes 8: 7. What is the quantity of water in the original mixture?
(a) 96 litres
(b) 36 litres
(c) 84 litres
(d) 48 litres

Q13. One rupee coins, 50p coins, and 25p coins are in the ratio of 4: 5: 6. Find the number of coins of each denomination if the total money amounts to Rs 40?
(a) 16, 20, 24
(b) 20, 25, 30
(c) 14, 24, 22
(d) 18, 20, 22

Q14. The ratio of A to B is 4: 5 and that of B to C is 2: 3. If A equals 800, B equals:
(a) 1000
(b) 1200
(c) 1500
(d) 2000


- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/06/mixed-quantitative-aptitude-questions-algebra-ratio-partnership-ssc-cgl.html
Mixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions for SSC CGL Exams-2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 15, 2017 Dear Students,  SSC   has released the notification for  CGL 2017 . This time again the competition is going to be very stiff. Question...

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