In this article we learn how we can improve our vocabulary easily by developing tricks. We make use of a technique known as ETYMOLOGY.
Review of Etymology:
Prefix, Root, Suffix
Above or upon or outer
Leading, leader, teaching
Opsis, optikos
Vision, sight
Note 1:
- ends with y = noun suffix
- Ends with ist = noun suffix
- Ends with ous = adjective suffix
- Ends with ic = adjective suffix
- Ends with ar = adjective suffix
Note 2:
- ends with ic (pertaining to)
- ends with itis (for inflammatory diseases)
- ends with ar (pertaining to)
Trick to learn words:
- Specialist of child delivery= obstretrix (midwife) + ic (pertaining to) =obstetrics
- Outer layer of skin= epi (outer) + skin (derma)=epidermis
- Skin inflammation=derma (skin)+ itis (for inflammatory diseases)=dermatitis
- One who has political discontent=demo (people)+ agogos (leader)=demagogue
- One who sells optical equipment=Opathalmos (eye)+ ician (expert)=optician
- Treatment of childhood diseases=paidos (child) + ic (pertaining to) =paediatrics
- Practice of stirring up political dissatisfaction for purely personal gain=demos (people) + agagos (leader)=demagoguery
- Medical speciality relating to diseases of the eye= opthalmos (eye) + logy (study) = Opthamalogy
- One-lens eyeglass=mono (one) + oculus (eye)=monocle
- Pertaining to the eye= oculus (eye) + ar (pertaining to) = ocular
- One who measures vision=opthalmos (eye) + metron (measurement) =optometrist (or) ophthalmic (or) optician

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