Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017

June 24, 2017    

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Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Explanation for Upcoming IBPS PO/Clerk and All other Upcoming Competitive Exams 2017. Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can make use of it.

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Directions (Q. 1-5): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) While GM supporters claim that there is little scientific evidence of adverse impacts so far, GM opponents cite the need for longer term assessment of adverse impacts and more concrete evidence of no adverse effects.
(B) In the context of technologies such as GM crops, where there is significant scientific uncertainty over their safety, the precautionary principle suggests that we wait until a broader scientific consensus is achieved.
(C) One of the principal reasons for opposition to GM crops is the potential for serious, irreversible damage to human health and the environment.
(D) This is especially relevant in the context of crops such as Bt brinjal which involve direct consumption by humans, unlike Bt cotton.
(E) The widespread havoc that chemical pesticides and fertilizers have caused since the Green Revolution only adds credence to these concerns.
(F) Implicitly, GM opponents are invoking the precautionary principle, which is a widely incorporated one in several international agreements and treaties on the environment.
1.Which sentence should come last (i.e., sixth) in the paragraph?
Directions (Q. 1-5):
(i). In the passage advantage and disadvanatage of GM crops is discussed.
(ii) First sentence will be C because it starts with the opposition to GM crops.
(iii) D further adds the information in C by telling the impact on human.
(iv) E will be the third sentence because it goes in the further description of C & D.
(v) A will be the next because it contradicts all the three sentence.
(vi) F will be the fifth sentence because it further adds information in A.
1). Answer: A
2.Which sentence should come first in the paragraph?
2). Answer: E

3.Which sentence should come second in the paragraph?
3). Answer: C

4.Which sentence should come third in the paragraph?
4). Answer: C
5.Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph?
5). Answer: E

Directions (Q. 6-10): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A)Government officials too have questioned the reliability of the Labour Bureau exercise that covers only a few sectors in select States.
(B) India’s employment data are far from robust and not timely enough to enable meaningful policy responses for emerging job market realities.
(C) How the recommendations of the task force will be incorporated into the new labour force survey, for which work began in April, needs to be seen.
(D) Niti Aayog member Bibek Debroy, for instance, has said that existing jobs data can be used to claim both ‘growth-less jobs’ and jobless growth, given India’s largely informal economy.
(E) While it is never too late to spruce up statistical systems, the timing of this exercise is odd.
(F) The task force is considering the use of proxy measures such as car sales to incorporate informal employment generation into the official narrative.
6.Which of the following would be the third sentence?
Directions (Q. 6-10):
Explanation :
(i) This passage talks about employment data.
(ii)First sentence will be B because it talks about irrelevancy of job data.
(iii) A will be the second sentence because it adds information in B.
(iv) D will be the next sentence because it further adds iformation in first 2 sentence.
(v)F will be the 4th because some sort of solution of the problem is discussed there.
(vi) Description of solution is given in c so it will be the 5th .
6). Answer: D

7.Which of the following would be the first sentence?
7). Answer: B
8.Which of the following would be the fifth sentence?
8). Answer: C
9.Which of the following would be the second sentence?
9). Answer: A

10.Which of the following would be the fourth sentence?
10). Answer: E


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Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 24, 2017 Important Practice English Questions on Sentence Rearrangement with Detailed Explanation for NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 : Dear Re...

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