Banking & Financial Awareness Quiz 2017 for IBPS PO VII and Clerks VII Exams

June 28, 2017    

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  1. The Government share holding in National Investment Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) is going to be ____________
    1. 40 %
    2. 49%
    3. 50%
    4. 51%
    5. 30% 
  • Can nomination be made by an illiterate depositor ?
    1. Yes, by affixing his Thumb Impression without witness
    2. Yes, by affixing his Thumb Impression with one witness
    3. Yes, by affixing his Thumb Impression with two witnesses
    4. No, such nomination may be under influence may not hold legal validity
    5. At the discretion of the Branch Head
  • EXIM bank was established in the year ?
    1. 1957
    2. 1992
    3. 1982
    4. 1981
    5. 1983 
  • In 'Small Accounts' , balance at any point of time should not exceed  ____________
    1. Rs.50,000
    2. Rs.1,00,000
    3. Rs.10,000
    4. Rs.25,000
    5. None of these
  • As per RBI directives, banks are allowed opening a minor account subject to the following conditions. Which among the following is correct ?
    1. Only fixed, savings and recur-ring deposits accounts can be opened
    2. Mother can also be accepted as a guardian
    3. The accounts can also be opened in the guardianship of the mother, even if the father of the minor is living
    4. Only 1 & 2
    5. All 1, 2 & 3
  • National Housing Bank monitors the performance of ____________
    1. Liberalized Finance Scheme
    2. Golden Jubilee Rural Housing Finance Scheme
    3. Energy Efficient Housing Finance Scheme
    4. Finance scheme for indirect loans
    5. None of the above
  • Which among the following made the initial contribution for setting up Financial Inclusion Fund and Financial Inclusion Technology Fund ?
    1. Government of India, NABARD and RBI
    2. NABARD, UTI and RBI
    3. SIDBI, Government of India and IDBI Bank
    4. SIDBI, NABARD and UTI
  • National Housing Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RBI started its operations from ____________
    1. July, 1982
    2. July, 1988
    3. April, 1980
    4. March, 1971
    5. March, 1983
  • The Maturity period of Certificate of deposits issued by banks is seven days to one year, where-as the certificate of deposits issued by Financial Institutions should be not less than One year and not exceeding ____________
    1. 2 years 
    2. 3 years
    3. 4 years 
    4. 6 years
    5. None of the above 
  • The Minimum capital requirement as per the final guidelines for Universal Banks is ____________
    1. Rs. 500 crore
    2. Rs. 200 crore
    3. Rs. 300 crore
    4. Rs. 100 crore
    5. Rs. 1000 crore
  • Which of the following statement is wrong relating to SIDBI.
    1. SIDBI means Small Industries Development Bank of India
    2. It was established on April 2, 1990
    3. It is the principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of industry in the small-scale sector
    4. Its Head Office is in Hyderabad
    5. It has floated Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
  • Which of the following is a specific division of banking related to the creation of capital for other companies, governments other entities ?
    1. Merchant banking
    2. Investment banking
    3. Commercial banking
    4. Wholesale banking
    5. None of these
  • Name the first country which introduced plastic currency notes ?
    1. USA 
    2. UK
    3. Russia 
    4. Australia
    5. Germany
  • Authorized Dealers for foreign exchange transactions are appointed by ____________
    1. Reserve Bank of India
    2. Government of India
    3. Individual Banks
    4. FEDAI
    5. None of the above 
  • In terms of RBI Guidelines Banks should report credit information to Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC) of the borrowers having aggregate fund based or non fund based exposure of  ____________  once in a quarter.
    1. Rs. 3 Crore and above
    2. Rs. 5 Crore and above
    3. Rs. 7 Crore and above
    4. Rs. 8 Crore and above
    5. Rs. 1 Crore and above
  • Which of the following loans are less risky from the bankers point of view ? 
    1. Housing loans
    2. Vehicle loans
    3. Personal Loans
    4. Credit Card advances
    5. 2 & 3
  • Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India was constituted in the year ____________
    1. 1938
    2. 1971
    3. 1993
    4. 1999
    5. 2000
  • Rajkiran Rai G will be taking charge as Managing Director & CEO of ____________ from 1.7.2017
    1. Union Bank of India
    2. Syndicate Bank
    3. Uco Bank
    4. United Bank of India  
    5. Vijaya Bank
  • Interest Rate Risk in Banking Book (IRRBB) refers to which of the following?
    1. Companies accounts books
    2. Current or prospective risk to a bank's capital and earnings, arising from adverse movements in interest rates that affect banking book positions
    3. Government accounts books
    4. NGOs books
    5. None of these
  • Under the Direct Benefit Trans-fer (DBT) in fertilizer sector, the subsidy will be released to whom ?
    1. Milk vendors
    2. The fertilizer companies instead of the beneficiaries, after the sale is made by the retailers to the beneficiaries
    3. NGOs
    4. Gram Panchayats
    5. None of these
  • When certain projects are not commercially viable Government may go in for funding Public Private Partnership (PPP). Such fund is called as ____________
    1. Bridge funding
    2. Viability gap funding
    3. Bonus funding
    4. Premium funding
    5. Ways and means funding
  • Balance in which of the following account is not repatriable ?
    1. NRO
    2. FCNR
    3. NRO
    4. 2 & 3
    5. All the above
  • When a bank fails causing instability in the financial system, such risk is called  ____________
    1. Systemic Risk
    2. Market Risk
    3. Credit Risk
    4. Operational Risk
    5. Systematic Risk
  • Normally banks will not give big ticket loans for longer tenures as it may lead to :
    1. Insolvency
    2. Liquidation
    3. Asset-Liability mismatch
    4. Bank Run
    5. All the above
  • Which of the following is not a credit facility extended for short duration?
    1. Bridge Loan
    2. Term Loan
    3. Commercial Paper
    4. Bill Discounting
    5. None of the above
  • Sometimes after disbursing the loan, banks will give reasonable time to customers to start repayment of loan. Such repayment facility is known as  ____________
    1. Amortization
    2. Leverage
    3. Balloon payment
    4. Moratorium
    5. Bullet payment
  • RBI regulates ceiling limit of interest for ____________ deposits.
    1. Savings
    2. Fixed
    3. Recurring
    4. FCNR (B)
    5. None of the above
  • GSTN (Goods and Service net work) is managed by?
    1. Tech Mahindra
    2. Wipro
    3. Infosys
    4. TCS
    5. HCL Technologies Ltd
  • Which of the following takes care of export credit risks ?
    1. ECGC
    2. GIC Re
    3. EXIM Bank
    4. RBI
    5. DGFT
  • When the window for granting licenses is open through out the year, it is categorized as :
    1. Open-tap Licensing
    2. Off-tap Licensing
    3. On-tap Licensing
    4. For-tap Licensing
    5. Free-tap Licensing
  • ATM transactions are interchangeable among the banks and this is made possible because of :
    1. NFS - National Financial Switch
    2. SWIFT - Society for World-wide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
    3. NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
    4. SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging System
    5. None of the above
  • A negotiable instrument can be transferred legally and is possible with __________
    1. Encumbrance
    2. Endorsement
    3. Moratorium
    4. Write off
    5. Right of set off
  • Which of the following is not one among the cities where Rs. 10 plastic bank notes will be introduced ?
    1. Hyderabad
    2. Mysore
    3. Bhubaneswar
    4. Shimla
    5. Cochin
  • Governing Council for BCSBI is appointed by :
    1. Finance Ministry
    2. Reserve Bank of India
    3. A panel headed by Cabinet Secretary
    4. Cabinet Committee on appointments
    5. Indian Banks Association
  • Which of the following depicts the financial position of a bank or business enterprise at a given point of time ?
    1. Balance sheet
    2. Cash flow statement
    3. Income statement
    4. Model audit
    5. Profit & Loss Account 
  • General crossing of a cheque means :
    1. Two cross lines across the cheque
    2. The cheque can have an abbreviation "& Co. "between the two parallel lines
    3. The cheque can have the words "Not Negotiable" between the two parallel lines
    4. Cash will not be paid across the counter
    5. All the above
  • Which is the largest foreign bank in India ?
    1. American Express Bank Ltd.
    2. DBS Bank Ltd.
    3. HSBC Ltd.
    4. Standard Chartered Bank
    5. United Overseas Bank Ltd. 
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Banking & Financial Awareness Quiz 2017 for IBPS PO VII and Clerks VII Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 28, 2017 sponsored links The Government share holding in National Investment Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) is going to be ____________ 40 % 49% ...

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