Dear Readers,
Adda247 and Bankersadda congratulates all the candidates who were selected in IBPS PO and Clerk recruitment for the year 2016. All you hard work and dedication has finally paid off now with a govt. job in your hand. There must many questions in your mind regarding 'What is next?', so through this article, we'll try to address your queries on the same and would try to make sure that you are well versed with the future course of action that is to be followed after the final selection.
Step 1:All the selected candidates will receive an email regarding the result and the allotted bank. From here, the allotted bank will take over the further process.
Step 2: The shortlisted candidates are expected to receive an Intimation letter from the allotted banks which will provide them with the details of their allotted Regional Staff Training Centres (STC) or a Staff College, Date and Time of reporting, the documentation required for completing the joining formalities. These letters are expected to be released within next 15 days (As per one of the leading PSU Bank HR Officials). Most of the Banks route there newly elected officials through this process. However, few candidates may be asked to directly report to the regional office instead of the training centres.
Step 3: The candidates will go through a training program of approximately 10 days after which they will be allotted a Regional Office. Expect a classroom based training program in the STC. Within a regional office, an officer can be moved across various branches for training purpose.
Probationary Officer:The Regional Office allotted to most of the Candidates will be of JMG Scale 1. The PO would be designated to the post of Assistant Manager (On Probation) which is generally confirmed after a period of 1 Year. During this 1 year there would be a process of phased manner training. Generally, banks follow 4 Phases of 3 month each. 1st Phase is the induction phase, where general training is provided to the candidate about banking functions the 2nd and the 3rd phases are work related training and the 4th and last phase is Pre Confirmation phase, where the candidate is trained about the responsibilities and accountability which he is expected to carry as a Bank Officer. This is a crucial phase as after this, the officer gets the signing authority. The training might get extended in some cases like those of extended leaves, maternity leave etc.
Clerk: A clerk can expect only 2 phases of training i.e. Induction and Pre Confirmation. As the work profile is limited here in case of Clerks. The confirmation also happens within 6 months unlike in case of PO which generally takes a year.
What will be my Salary – After Revision, the In Hand Salary of an IBPS P.O is expected to be somewhere in between Rs. 40000 to 45000. While that of a clerk is expected to be around Rs. 21000 to 23000.
Note: Sometimes, the final selection procedure goes on till July and sometimes even August or September. So, keep checking the inbox of your registered email id as well as the spam folder in order to make sure that you are in tandem with the selection process.
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