The first two days of IBPS Clerk Prelims exam have been completed. All the shifts were of easy to moderate level and the pattern of questions seen in the exam were a blend of all the new patterns introduced in the year 2018 in various exams and the old pattern questions. So we can expect the same pattern and level of questions in the exam shifts to be held on 15th December.
In all the banking sector exams held in the year 2018, new pattern questions were seen in Preliminary examinations of various exams and these entire new pattern questions along with the old pattern questions were asked in all the shifts of IBPS Clerk Prelims. You need to attempt sufficient number of questions with good accuracy to sail through the examination.
Now let’s analyze each section to know what we can expect in the upcoming exam on 15th December.
English Language
Questions asked in English section consisted of all the new pattern Questions which were introduced this year. The Topics include spelling Errors, Match the Columns, Word Usage and Word Replacement. Also, old pattern questions based on Reading Comprehension, Error Detection, Phrase replacement etc were a part of the examination. For the upcoming exam, one must go through all the new pattern questions so that when you appear for the exam, you get familiar with the type of questions and attempt more questions with good accuracy.
Here are some quizzes which will make you familiar with the new pattern questions of 2018 that were asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims and can be expected in the upcoming exams as well.
Changes in English Language Section in Bank Exams 2018
Latest Pattern English Quiz based on NIACL Assistant and IBPS RRB Mains
Changes in English Language Section in Bank Exams 2018
Latest Pattern English Quiz based on NIACL Assistant and IBPS RRB Mains
Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative Aptitude questions asked in the exam were of easy to moderate level but one needs to maintain a good speed to attempt maximum questions. From the analysis of the last shifts, we can see that about 15 to 20 questions were from Simplification and Data Interpretation and were not very tough. So, these questions can be attempted first and will help you score better in the exam. Attempt these topics first and then move towards other questions. Spending time on a question for too long must be avoided.
Reasoning Ability
Reasoning Ability was of easy to moderate level. One can secure good marks in this section if he/she has good command over it. Puzzles, Inequalities, Seating Arrangement, Syllogism etc were based on old pattern and there were no new pattern questions. Only practice can help you attempt maximum questions from this section and this section can be scoring as good accuracy can be maintained in this section.
So all those who have their exams on 15th December, must get familiar with all the type of questions that were asked in the previous shift and analyze them to perform well in the exam. Practice well and pay attention towards your Speed and Accuracy.

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