[DATED: 27th April] SBI PO Prelims 2017 – Exam Strategy and Last Minute Tips:
Dear Readers, SBI PO Prelims 2017 was going to held from 29th April onwards, we hope that you all have prepared well for the examination. Here we have given the important exam strategy and Last Minute Tips to Crack the Examination, kindly make use of it.

SBI PO Prelims 2017 Question Pattern:
Name of the Test
No. of Questions
Max. Marks
English Language
Composite time 60 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability
Among these three sections, you have to start with your favorite one that will help you increase your confident level. Keep in mind that your aim is not to attend all the questions, you have to attend with good accuracy, so don’t spend too much of time in a single section.
English Language: (Total Questions – 30; Time to be allotted- 15 Min)
English Section will consist of questions from Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Error Spotting, Sentence Rearrangements and Fill in the blanks.
Concentrate on Reading comprehension, Cloze Test and Sentence rearrangement which will help you to score marks easily.
Safer Number of Attempts:20-22 (with good accuracy)
Quantitative Aptitude: (Total Questions – 35; Time to be allotted- 25 Min)
In Aptitude section, question will be from DI, Number Series, Simplification, Quadratic Equations, Profit/ Loss, Distance, Speed & Time, Simple & Compound interest etc.,
Practice more questions to increase your calculation speed.
Safer Number of Attempts: 26-28 (with good accuracy)
Reasoning Ability: (Total Questions – 35; Time to be allotted- 20 Min)
Seating Arrangements and Puzzles will play vital role in Reasoning part, a part from questions will be from, syllogism, coding decoding, direction, ranking, inequality, blood relation, alpha numeric etc.,
Safer Number of Attempts:27-29 (with good accuracy)
Points to be remembered:
Speed & Accuracy:
· Speed and Accuracy is the point that you have to remember to succeed in the SBI PO Prelims.
· Attempt the easy questions first and try the harder one last, this will boost your confident, don’t stuck with a single question, if you are unable to solve it means just skip and move forward. Because It’s difficult to answer all the 100 questions in the given time with accuracy. So here you have to concentrate on above strategy which will be helpful to score your marks.
· In Prelims examination Don’t try to attend any new questions which you did not practice or well familiar with that question. Because Not only it will diminish your solving speed but also it will tends to increase more stress to attempt furthermore questions.
· To maintain the Speed and Accuracy, keep your mind fully focused on the examination.
Time Management:
· Most important point to crack the SBI PO Prelims Examination is proper Time Management. Be Calculative in Proceeding the questions and Keep on eye in your Sections Attempt. More Aspirants Concentrate only on how many attempts had done and get distressed with their minimum number of attempt during their Exams. Friends this will Completely Change your mind and Put you in a trap. So that Always Have a Positive Mind to approach the exam and Have a look in sectional attempt Periodically not in continuous manner. Focus only on Questions to attempt.
· ·Don’t stay in a particular section and it will ruin your time, skip the question if you feel difficult.
Negative marking & Reviewing the question latter:
Beware of the negative marking during the examination; mark an answer only if you are completely confident about. If you'll just make wild guesses, it may lead to negative marking.
Mark for Review will give you remembering the questions which you are sort out to attempt the questions latter. So make this useful when you are having doubt on particular question.
Important Notes: Do not forget to take the Admit Card with photograph affixed, Photo Identity Proof in original and a photo-copy of it (Ration Card and E-Aadhar Card are not accepted). Your name in ID Proof must exactly match with the one you have in your Admit Card.
During the Exam: Do not give up at any stage of the exam. Give your best and keep in mind that if the exam is tough for you the level of difficulty would be same for everyone.
Do’s and Don’ts Before the Exam:
· Take out the print copy of your Admission Letter today itself, don’t wait for the last moment.
· Take your current ID proof along with its photocopy and paste your recent photograph.
· You need to sleep well in the night before the examination; this will help you to keep your mind and body good.
· Revise all your notes and don’t study new things in the last day, don’t get confused by revising the same topics.
· Have a small discussing with your friends those who are writing examination with you, discuss about some topics related to the examination. Always discussion will teach you lot.
· On the Day of your exam, have a light and healthy food.
· Take the Admit Card and once check the venue and exam time properly.
· Reach the venue of examination well ahead of time. Don’t wait for the last moments do reach your venue a little early.
· Be 30 minutes prior to the time mentions in the admit card and make you mind free, don’t think anything else.
As the following quote mentioned (below) that,
The way of approaching and handling the circumstances in favor of you, making the
day in your way and get into the Leading role of your life.
We IBPSGUIDE Team Wishes You All the Best…
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