Dear Students, SSC CGL Pre 2017 Exam is scheduled tentatively in the month of JUNE/JULY 2017. At SSC ADDA, we are providing geography Quiz of 15 important question and here we have covered all the important topic of Geography.
(a) It has warm summers and snowmelt waters for irrigation
(b) People in the valley are rice eaters
(c) Other crops cannot be grown
(d) There is a huge export demand
(a) Wheat
(b) Bajra
(c) Paddy
(d) Jowar
Q3. India produces what percentage of the world’s total tea production?
(a) 31
(b) 25
(c) 20
(d) None of these
Q4. Rubber is a product of
(a) Plantation agriculture
(b) Mixed agriculture
(c) Mediterranean agriculture
(d) Special horticulture
Q5. The highest yield of rice per hectare in India is in
(a) West Bengal
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Punjab
(d) Haryana
Q6. The Kharif season begins
(a) With the onset of the south-west monsoon
(b) At the end of the south-west monsoon
(c) In December
(d) In March
Q7. The largest producer of rice in India is
(a) Bihar
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) West Bengal
(d) Karnataka
Q8. The leading state in sugar production in India is
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Bihar
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Tamil Nadu
Q9. Which one of the following agricultural products is the largest earner of foreign exchange for India?
(a) Sugar cane
(b) Jute
(c) Tea
(d) Tabacco
Q10. Which one of the following is associated with India Agriculture?
(a) I.C.A.R.
(b) I.C.C.R.
(c) I.C.M.R
(d) I.C.W.A.
Q11. Which one of the following states is the leading producer of tea?
(a) West Bengal
(b) Sikkim
(c) Assam
(d) Kerala
Q12. Which one of the following states leads in the production of maize?
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Haryana
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Maharashtra
Q13. Which state has the largest acreage under rubber?
(a) Kerala
(b) Karnataka
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Orissa
Q14. The production of wheat has increased mainly because of the
(a) Increase in the area under wheat
(b) Increase in the yield per hectare
(c) Increase in the demand for wheat
(d) Increase in prices
Q15. The substantial increase in agricultural production in recent years in India has been largely because of
(a) The uncultivated lands having been brought under the plough on a large scale
(b) The large scale employment of agricultural labour
(c) The increased use of high yielding varieties of seeds and fertilizers
(d) Better transport facilities
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