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- To exult is to
- Extricate
- Keep quiet
- Rejoice
- Enter
- Bypass
- The meaning of fallible is
- Unbalanced
- Trustworthy
- Faithful
- Unreliable
- Weak
- To fawn is to
- Skin a dead animal
- Keep a deer as pet
- Curry favour
- Forget
- Run after
- A fiendish person is
- A student of witchcraft
- A collector of poisons
- Mad
- Inhuman
- Very smart
- The opposite of orderly is
- Disobedience
- Disorderly
- Significant
- Poverty
- Opportune
- The opposite of cause is
- Support
- Confusing
- Optional
- Outcome
- Preference
- The opposite of outlet is
- Exit
- Perforce
- Inlet
- Islet
- Predominant
- Which of the following means which settles something ?
- Decisive
- Persuasive
- Fine
- Last
- Immense
- What is the plural form of knavery ?
- Knaverys
- Knavery
- Knaveries
- Knaverees
- Knaverese
- Mark TRUE or FALSE, as the case may be.
- A nobody is a person of no importance
- A bone of contention is a cause for mutual agreement
- To make no bones is not to hesitate
- To have a bone to pick is to have a cause of complaint
- Bosom friends are very close friends
Shared by Amrita Rajnishsponsored links
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