Dear Readers, list of important English Vocabulary words, and its meaning with example sentence were given here. Candidates those who are preparing for banking and all competitive exams can use this.

1). Contentious (adjective)
Meaning: causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
Synonyms:controversial, disputable, debatable, and disputed
Usage:The contentious issue of abortion.
2). Antipathy (noun)
Meaning: a deep-seated feeling of aversion.
Synonyms:hostility, antagonism, animosity, aversion, animus
Usage:His fundamental antipathy to capitalism.
3). Countenance (noun)
Meaning: a person's face or facial expression
Synonyms:face, features, physiognomy, profile; facial expression
Usage:His impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away.
4). Dogmatic (adjective)
Meaning: inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true
Synonyms:opinionated, peremptory, assertive, imperative, insistent
Usage:She was not tempted to be dogmatic about what she believed.
5). Apropos (adjective)
Meaning: very appropriate to a particular situation
Synonyms:appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apposite, apt
Usage:The song feels apropos to a midnight jaunt.
6). Raffish (adjective)
Meaning: unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive way
Synonyms:rakish, jaunty, dapper, dashing, sporty, flashy; unconventional
Usage:His cosmopolitan, raffish air.
7). Vituperate (verb)
Meaning: blame or insult (someone) in strong or violent language
Synonyms:revile, rail against, inveigh against, fulminate against
Usage:He vituperated against all presidents with equal gusto.
8). Diffidence (noun)
Meaning: modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of self-confidence
Synonyms:shyness, bashfulness, unassertiveness, modesty, modestness
Usage:He regretted his diffidence and awkwardness in large groups.
9). Fulminate (verb)
Meaning: express vehement protest
Synonyms:protest, rail, rage, rant, thunder, storm, declaim, inveigh
Usage:Ministers and preachers fulminated against the new curriculum.
10). Assay (noun)
Meaning: the testing of a metal or ore to determine its ingredients and quality
Synonyms:evaluation, assessment, analysis, examination, test
Usage:New plate was taxed when it was brought for assay.
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