English Vocabulary (Meaning-Usage) Reference- “The Hindu”

April 24, 2017    

English Vocabulary (Meaning-Usage) Reference- “The Hindu”:
Dear Readers, list of important English Vocabulary words, and its meaning with example sentence were given here. Candidates those who are preparing for banking and all competitive exams can use this.
1). Raucous (adjective)
Meaning: making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise.
Synonyms: Harsh, Strident, squawky, sharp, grating
Usage: Raucousyouths.
2). Contagion (Noun)
Meaning: the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.
Synonyms: contamination, infection, disease, illness
Usage: The rooms held no risk of contagion.
3). Sumptuous (adjective)
Meaning: splendid and expensive-looking.
Synonyms: Lavish, deluxe, luxurious, magnificent, palatial, rich
Usage: The banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal.
4). Succulent (adjective)
Meaning: (of food) tender, juicy, and tasty.
Synonyms: juicy, moist, lush, soft, tender, fresh
Usage: A succulent steak.
5). Gloat (verb)
Meaning: dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.
Synonyms: delight in, relish, take great pleasure in, revel in, crow over
Usage: His enemies gloated over his death.
6). Startle (verb)
Meaning: cause to feel sudden shock or alarm
Synonyms: Surprise, scare, alarm, make someone jumb
Usage: A sudden sound in the doorway startled her.
7). Seclusion (noun)
Meaning: the state of being private and away from other people.
Synonyms: isolation, solitude, retreat, privacy, withdrawal
Usage: They enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion.
8). Gullible (adjective)
Meaning: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
Synonyms: credulous, over-trusting, trustful, unsuspecting, simple, ignorant
Usage: An attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money.
9). Pernicious (adjective)
Meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
Synonyms: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious, hurtful, detrimental
Usage: The pernicious influences of the mass media.
10). Loathe (verb)
Meaning: feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Synonyms: hate, detest, abhor, despise, abominate
Usage: She loathed him on sight


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English Vocabulary (Meaning-Usage) Reference- “The Hindu” 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 24, 2017 English Vocabulary (Meaning-Usage) Reference- “The Hindu” : Dear Readers, list of important English Vocabulary words, and its meaning wit...

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