English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Fill Ups)

April 19, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Fill UpsSet-43:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Directions (Q 1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are four words denoted by numbers a), b), c) and d). Find out ONE word that to be fitted in both the sentences I and II and another word that fit to the sentence III and to make it meaningfully complete. In case no word is fit to these sentences, option 'e' is the answer.
1). I. Please help students rather than giving them _________________ for not knowing the answer.
II. Principal Buckwald resigned following a senior prank, clearly taking _______________ to the pranksters.
III. When the hyperactive child did not take his sedative, he was ________________ and difficult to manage.
a)   Pique, obdurate
b)   Indignation, flexible
c)   Umbrage, intractable
d)   Ire, lithe
e)   Resentment, stiff
2). I. Before I began to plant my seeds, I will _____________ the rows of my garden to make sure every vegetable grows in a precise line.
II. Today, medical technology exists which makes it possible for a doctor to ___________ a baby’s sex before it is born.
III. When Miriam saw the amount of work she would have to do to earn her high salary, she realized the position was far from the ____________ dream she had pictured.
a)   Demarcate, tranquil
b)   Segregate, serene
c)   Integrate, soothing
d)   Unite, irritating
e)   Delineate, idyllic
3). I. I am unable to make a final decision because of my ___________ nature which makes me indecisive.
II. George is a _______________ actor who is capable of playing numerous characters.
III. The secret government agency worked hard to make sure the alien’s presence remained _____________ and out of the news.
a)   Protean, recondite
b)   Erratic, obscure
c)   Constant, esoteric
d)   Mutable, arcane
e)   Capricious, obscure
4). I. As soon as I stepped into the house, I took off my _____________ jacket and changed into dry clothes.
II. When you walk on _________________ ground, keep your eyes open for dangerous sinkholes.
III. In the writer’s first novel, the _______________ was abrupt and unbelievable and left readers wondering if the story even had an ending.
a)   Saturated, cessation
b)   Drenched, starting
c)   Dried, opening
d)   Sodden, denouement
e)   Desiccated, preparatory
5). I. Although it takes a great deal to make me laugh, I would not consider myself to be a _____________ person.
II. Even though the homeless little girl appeared to be hungry, my father remained _________ and did not give her any money for food.
III. While many people found the singer’s _______________ behavior interesting, others viewed it as completely unacceptable.
a)   Impassive, jaunty
b)   Stolid, raffish
c)   Inexpressive, flashy
d)   Phlegmatic, dapper
e)   Calm, unconventional
6). I. The drug supplement will undergo an independent _________ to find out whether or not it actually accomplishes what it claims to do.
II. Before allowing the nuclear plant to go live, an extremely thorough ___________ was conducted that lasted for two weeks.
III. As a result of having studied abroad several years, Helen has become quite ______________ on the subject of art history.
a)   Assess, learned
b)   Levy, scholarly
c)   Evaluate, cerebral
d)   Appraise, intuitive
e)   Assay, erudite
7). I. Trading on the stock market has temporarily been put in ____________ while the trade commission investigates financial misdeeds.
II. Once the famine was over, the food rationing dictated by the government was put in _____________.
III. You would get more ___________ from professionals if you didn't have tattoos running up and down your arms.
a)   Suspension, consent
b)   Abeyance, approbation
c)   Deferment, assent
d)   Adjournment, acquiesce
e)   Recess, admiration
8). I. Hopefully the movie trailer will _____________ the interest of moviegoers and motivates them to buy tickets to see the film.
II. The mysterious stain on the church wall is sure to ____________ the curiosity of a number of religious fanatics.
III. When the author wrote his novel, he had no idea it would be too _____________ for his target audience to understand.
a)   Intrigue, stilted
b)   Stimulate, pompous
c)   Kindle, snobbish
d)   Pique, turgid
e)   Rouse, portentous
9). I. Sophia was convinced that the ____________ of ice on her car’s windshield was preventing her wipers from operating correctly.
II. Coca Cola estimated about 40 cents of lost earnings per share __________ due to the devaluation of their stock.
III. Although the athlete was taking a strong medication, he left the game because he was not able to ___________ himself to the pain.
a)   Accretion, inure
b)   Erosion, temper
c)   Attrition, harden
d)   Abrasion, solidify
e)   Accumulation, dissolve
10). I. When the airline representative told me my luggage was lost, I responded to the announcement with a ___________.
II. Although the terrorist is in hiding, he recently held a press conference where he gave a _____________ about his enemies.
III. When the critic reviewed the painting of the rainforest, he could not help but notice the artist’s ______________ for the outdoors.
a)   Harangue, fervor
b)   Rant, passion
c)   Tirade, ardor
d)   Invective, zeal
e)   Praise, apathy
Explanation With Answers Key:
1). Answer: c)
Umbrage offense or annoyance.
Intractable - hard to control or deal with.
2). Answer: e)
Delineate – describe or portray (something) precisely.
Idyllic – (especially of a time or place) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
3). Answer: a)
Protean – tending or able to change frequently or easily.
Recondite - (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse.
4). Answer: d)
Sodden – saturated with liquid, especially water; soaked through.
Denouement - The final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved
5). Answer: b)
Stolid – (of a person) calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
Raffish - unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner.
6). Answer: e)
Assay – the testing of a metal or ore to determine its ingredients and quality.
Erudite - having or showing great knowledge or learning.
7). Answer: b)
Abeyance – a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Approbation - approval or praise.
8). Answer: d)
Pique – A feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one's pride.
Turgid - Swollen and distended or congested.
9). Answer: a)
Accretion – growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.
Inure - accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant.
10). Answer: c)
Tirade – a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation.
Ardor - great enthusiasm or passion.

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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Fill Ups) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 19, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation (Fill Ups )  Set-43 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with exp...

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