Dear Readers,
As season of banking exam is going to begin and the herald started with the SBI and as the difficulty level is increasing day by day, clearly this will not a be a cake walk for anyone. Now the question arises, What should you do?
Many of you asked this question to people you know in this big banking postulant community and the answer you got from all is same “Speed Test”, Yes test is very important but what I suggest you, have bigger fish to fry i.e. “Analysis Of Test”. Now again many questions arise as this word come to your life “analysis of the test.”
- What is the importance of analysis?
The analysis gives you the power to check where you stand among all another contestant. After some time by giving speed test and practising a time comes when your performance become stagnant, you reach to that point above which you are not able to score. This is the time when analysis comes into the field and plays an important role in elevating you above your stagnant point. Also, it will boost your confidence when you learn from your mistake after knowing where you were wrong.
- How to analyse the test you appeared for?
First of all, divide your analysis according to sections and then move further in respective sections. Analyse in how much time you have attempted how many questions and among them how many are correct in each section then accordingly make serial preferences of the section to attempt.
Now coming to a part in which you can analyse the questions those are taking more time than usual and reducing your number of attempt. And the most important part is the questions which gave you negative marks i.e. your wrong attempts, analyse the questions which you attempted incorrect and what you did wrong in it and what can be the right way to attempt such questions or was it in your best interest to leave them?
- How does analysis help to improve one’s performance?
Once you come to know about the timing you spent in each section, wrong attempts you did, questions in which you got stuck; then you can work on yourself with a proper approach. You can divide timing accordingly for each section and questions. Questions which are taking more time or you are doing it wrong, you can work on it and decide whether you have to leave it or practice it in appropriate manner.
After analysis, it would be easy for you identify that in which section and in what type of question you are strong and weak so that you can work according to your strengths camouflage your weakness!
So, analysing yourself is the answer to all your worries either you talk about the exam or any personal query. Don’t give a pause to your preparation somewhere someone is doing better than you learn from your mistakes as mistakes are proof that you are trying.
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