Work Hard Dream Big: Vinoth Kumar J (Canara Bank PO)- 184

April 27, 2017    

Hi Bankersadda Team,
Name: Vinoth Kumar J
State: Tamil Nadu
Bankers Adda Success Story
Following are the list of slots that I could snatch from this year's banking exams 
IBPS PO- Canara Bank
IBPS Clerk- Canara Bank
Syndicate Bank PGDBF cum PO- Shortlisted for Interview
South Indian Bank PO- Shortlisted for Interview
IPPB- Main Exam results awaited.
I have been attempting banking exams for four years in a row now. Right from the beginning, I would miss the chance of being selected by a very narrow margin.So, this year I revised the strategies with which I approach exams.What was my weak area couple of years ago is not a weak area anymore now with the constant review on my strength and weakness? 
It holds good even for my strengths.One thing I had in my mind throughout this year is If the exam is tough for me, it is going to be the same for others as well hence my chance of getting shortlisted is still fair.I never thought of final results whenever I apply for an exam rather always looked forward to the next step.Competition is no longer an excuse because your preparation should be inclusive of dethroning such competition, especially during interviews.A good strategy of your friend perhaps could be a bad one for you, so devise your own.
Finally, the verdict would be cracking any competitive exams for that matter would be like entering a sea; At the beginning, tides will push you to the shore, once you go past that, things will start falling in place.Always have confidence in you and the right attitude is the key factor you should capitalize on. At the beginning even if you fumble to get the single offer, once you get hold of it, you cannot resist offers pouring on. The balance between desperation and complacency is another factor that you should keep a tab on.

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Work Hard Dream Big: Vinoth Kumar J (Canara Bank PO)- 184 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 27, 2017 Hi Bankersadda Team, Name: Vinoth Kumar J State: Tamil Nadu Following are the list of slots that I could snatch from this year's ba...

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