Tier-III Descriptive Paper Essay-10 by Narendra Kumar

March 14, 2017    

How to Prepare for SSC CGL Descriptive Paper: Essay Writing Tips

Dear Aspirants, Now our SSC ADDA is Topper Ka Adda. We have started an initiative where Previous Years SSC toppers will be Guiding and training you through various platforms for the upcoming SSC CGL 2017 Exam. It's a great opportunity for all of you to prepare for the exam and be trained by the best of the minds of India. 
Since SSC CGL Tier-III is going to be held on 19th March, We will be providing to you the study material for Tier-III, descriptive paper. there are three components of descriptive paper, Precis Writing, Letter/Application writing and Essay writing. Today, in this series we will post an Essay written by SSC TOPPER Mr. Narendra Kumar. Read the below-given Essay and try to write in your language. Study and Practice well. 

ESSAY TOPIC: Climate Change/Global Warming

Climate of a region is its average weather. Climate change therefore, is a change in the average weather of a region’s average rainfall or average temperature. It is important to note that natural changes are balanced by nature itself but anthropogenic changes are going towards unbalanced ends.
In common language we use ‘global warming’ which refers to the long-term increase in Earth’s average temperature. Most scientists agree that most of the warming since mid-1900s is due to the burning of coal, oil and gas. Burning these fuels is how we produce most of the energy we use every day. This burning adds heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the air. These gases are called greenhouse gases.

Realizing the problems associated with global warming almost every country has come forward to act jointly. It was 1970s when under the leadership of united Nation countries started taking steps to limit or reduce GHGs in the atmosphere. These steps include using energy more efficiently and using more clear energy. Some of the major agreements are United Nation Environment Programme, Kyoto Protocol, UNFCCC, Paris Agreement etc.
Some countries are even planning for some unavoidable impacts. For example, some coastal areas are planning for flooding and land loss that may result from rising sea levels.
Hence we should work on prevention, mitigation and adaptation too. Active participation of local communities, adopting sustainable practices, living styles etc can be useful in fighting against climate change. We have to contain the temperature increase to 2°C anyhow. 

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/03/tier-iii-descriptive-paper-essay-10-by.html
Tier-III Descriptive Paper Essay-10 by Narendra Kumar 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 14, 2017 Dear Aspirants, Now our SSC ADDA is Topper Ka Adda. We have started an initiative where Previous Years SSC toppers will be Guiding and tr...

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