1. An office with pay but little responsibility
(a) Sinecure
(b) Presidency
(c) Factotum
(d) Plutocracy
2. A group of small ships
(a) Archipelago
(b) Fleet
(c) Flotilla
(d) Tugs
3. A lake of sea water
(a) archipelago
(b) lagoon
(c) gorge
(d) inundation
4. Passing off someone else’s writing as one own
(a) Copying
(b) Patenting
(c) Plagiarism
(d) Adaptation
5. Mercy killing of patients who are incurably ill
(a) Circumspection
(b) Benignity
(c) Euthanasia
(d) Apoplexy
6. Something short lived
(a) Ephemeral
(b) Epicurean
(c) Interim
(d) Illusory
7. Forcefully enlisting private property for military use
(a) Occupation’
(b) Commandeering
(c) Trespass
(d) Encroachment
8. A happening that cannot be altered
(a) Invincible
(b) Fate
(c) Fait-accompli
(d) Congruence
9. The right to vote
(a) Ballot
(b) Electorate
(c) Franchise
(d) Graffiti
10. One who assails traditional beliefs
(a) Critic
(b) Atheist
(c) Anthropologist
(d) Iconoclast
(a) Sinecure
(b) Presidency
(c) Factotum
(d) Plutocracy
2. A group of small ships
(a) Archipelago
(b) Fleet
(c) Flotilla
(d) Tugs
3. A lake of sea water
(a) archipelago
(b) lagoon
(c) gorge
(d) inundation
4. Passing off someone else’s writing as one own
(a) Copying
(b) Patenting
(c) Plagiarism
(d) Adaptation
5. Mercy killing of patients who are incurably ill
(a) Circumspection
(b) Benignity
(c) Euthanasia
(d) Apoplexy
6. Something short lived
(a) Ephemeral
(b) Epicurean
(c) Interim
(d) Illusory
7. Forcefully enlisting private property for military use
(a) Occupation’
(b) Commandeering
(c) Trespass
(d) Encroachment
8. A happening that cannot be altered
(a) Invincible
(b) Fate
(c) Fait-accompli
(d) Congruence
9. The right to vote
(a) Ballot
(b) Electorate
(c) Franchise
(d) Graffiti
10. One who assails traditional beliefs
(a) Critic
(b) Atheist
(c) Anthropologist
(d) Iconoclast
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