The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Editorial for SSC CGL 2017

March 24, 2017    

Vocabulary for SSC CGL

Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.

Meaning: something that one uses to accomplish an end especially when the usual means is not available
Synonyms: expedient, resource
Sentence: a toddler quickly learns that a tantrum is a surefire recourse when a polite request  for something is met with parental indifference

Meaning: a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.
Synonym: foreboding, presage, presentiment, prognostication
Sentence: "he had a premonition of imminent disaster"

Meaning: the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.
Synonym: prevalence, predominance, dominance 
Sentence: "the preponderance of women among older people"

Meaning: a trial heat (as in rowing) in which first-round losers are given another chance to  qualify for the semifinals
Sentence: The British would now have to row and win in a repechage the next day if they were to  be one of the final six boats in the medal race.

Meaning: (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated.
Synonym: lively, animated, full of life, spirited, high-spirited, effervescent
Sentence: "her vivacious and elegant mother"

Meaning: the responsibility for something
Synonyms: blot, stain
Sentence: he perpetually tries to shift the onus for any mistakes onto other team members

Meaning: an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important.
Synonym: preliminary, overture, opening, preparation
Antonym:conclusion, postscript
Sentence: "a ceasefire had been agreed as a prelude to full peace negotiations"

Meaning: extreme patriotism
Synonyms: chauvinism, xenophobia
Sentence: the popular jingoism that swept the lower–middle classes

Meaning: the condition of being considered more important than someone or something else; priority in importance, order, or rank.
Synonym: outweigh, supersede,
Sentence: "his desire for power soon took precedence over any other consideration"

Meaning: a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority
Synonym: pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum
Antonym: disordered, free-for-all
Sentence: "the initiative was with those lower down in the hierarchy"

The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Editorial for SSC CGL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 24, 2017 Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In...

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