Practice Reasoning Questions For SBI PO Pre & Upcoming Exams 2017 (Input-Output)

March 1, 2017    

Practice Reasoning Questions For SBI PO Pre & Upcoming Exams (Input-Output)  Set-19:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for Banking and all other Competitive exams can use this practice questions.

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.)
Input:30 overcome ado 67 18 lie so 85 74 come
Step1:admit 30 overcome 67 18 lie so 74 come 84
Step II:commit admit 30 overcome 67 18 lie so 84 73
Step III:limit commit admit 30 overcome 18 so 84 73 66  
Step IV:overcommit limit commit admit 18 so 84 73 66 29
Step V:smit overcommit limit commit admit 84 73 66 29 17
And step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended output of the above arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input:61 ox herb 33 86 intern sums 28 49 perk
1).In step III, how many elements are there between ‘85’ and the third element from the left end?
a)    None
b)    One
c)    Three
d)    More than three
e)    Two
2).Which of the following is the sixth element from the left end in step II?
a)    sums
b)    hermit
c)    intern
d)    perk
e)    5)28
3).'intermit' is related to `85' in the same way as 'omit' is related to '60' in step V. Following the same pattern which element is ‘permit’ related to in step IV?
a)    intermit
b)    omit
c)    28
d)    4)32
e)    5)48
4).What is the difference between the fourth element from the right end in step IV and the fourth element from the right end in step V?
a)    27
b)    12
c)    18  
d)    5
e)    None of these
5).In step V, which of the following elements does not appear between ‘permit’ and the fourth element from the right end?
a)    intermit
b)    hermit
c)    omit
d)    32
e)    85
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement (All numbers are two/three - digit numbers):
Input:it 27 cost 125 would 216 the 64 severe 8
Step I:would it 27 cost 125 216 the 64 severe8
Step II:would 125 it 27 cost 216 the 64 severe 8
Step III:would 125 cost it 27 216 the 64 severe 8
Step IV:would 125 cost 64 it 27 216 the severe 8
Step V:would 125 cost 64 the it 27 216 severe 8
Step VI:would 125 cost 64 the 27 it 216 severe 8
Step VII:would 125 cost 64 the 27 it 8 216 severe
Step VIII:would 125 cost 64 the 27 it 8 severe 216
And Step VIII is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input:discussed 1331 vehicle 729 increasing 512 platform 1000 eligibility 343
6).How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
a)    Six
b)    Eight
c)    Five
d)    Seven
e)    None of these
7).In Step III which element is third to the right of `vehicle'?
a)    1331
b)    729
c)    512
d)    eligibility
e)    None of these
8).Which of the following will be at the sixth position from the right end in Step VI?
a)    platform
b)    729
c)    512
d)    eligibility
e)    None of these
9).Which step will be the following output?
vehicle 343 discussed 729 platform 512 1331 increasing 1000 eligibility
a)    Step VI
b)    Step VII
c)    Step IV
d)    Step III
e)    Step V
10).How many numbers are there between '343' and `increasing' in the third step of the rearrangement?
a)    Two
b)    One
c)    Three
d)    Four
e)     None of these
Directions (Q. 1-5):The machine rearranges a word and number in each step. The words come at the left end and are rearranged in alphabetical order on the left. While getting arranged the last letter is replaced by 'mit'. The numbers come at the right end are rearranged in descending order from left to right after subtracting 1 from the original number, ie (85 - 1) = 84.
Input: 61 ox herb 33 86 intern sums 28 49 perk
Step I: hermit 61 ox 33 intern sums 28 49 perk 85
Step II. intermit hermit ox 33 sums 28 49 perk 85 60
Step III: omit intermit hermit 33 sums 28 perk 85 60 48
Step IV: permit omit intermit hermit sums 28 85 60 48 32
Step V: summit permit omit intermit hermit 85 60 48 32 27
1).Third element from the left end is `hermit' in step Ill. Thus, there are four elements between 'hermit' and '85' in Step III.
Answer: d)
Answer: e)
Answer: e)
4).Fourth element from the right end in step IV is ‘85’ and fourth element from the right end in Step V is ‘60’
Difference = 85 - 60 = 25
5).The fourth element from the right end in Step V is 60. Hence, ‘32’ does 'not' appear between 'permit' and ‘60’.
Answer: d)
Directions (Q. 6-10):
The machine arranges words and numbers alternately.
For words: Words are arranged in reverse alphabetical order and alphabetical order alternately.
For numbers: Numbers are arranged according to the total number of letters
present in the word arranged in the previous step. The numbers are cubes of total number of letters present in the words.
Input: discussed 1331 vehicle 729 increasing 512 platform 1000 eligibility 343
Step I: vehicle discussed 1331 729 increasing 512 platform 1000 eligibility 343
Step II: vehicle 343 discussed 1331 729 increasing 512 platform 1000 eligibility
Step III. vehicle 343 discussed 729 1331 increasing 512 platform 1000 eligibility
Step IV: vehicle 343 discussed 729 platform 1331 increasing 512 1000 eligibility
Step V: vehicle 343 discussed 729 platform 512 1331 increasing 1000 eligibility
Step VI: vehicle 343 discussed 729 platform 512 eligibility 1331 increasing 1000
51. 1 52. 2 530 1 54, 5 55. 1
Answer: a)
Answer: b)
Answer: a)
Answer: e)
Answer: a)

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Practice Reasoning Questions For SBI PO Pre & Upcoming Exams 2017 (Input-Output) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 1, 2017 Practice Reasoning Questions  For SBI PO Pre & Upcoming Exams ( Input-Output)    Set-19: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Qu...

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