Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension)

March 16, 2017    

Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension) Set-91:
Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming  Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.

Directions (Q. 1-10):Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Some of the words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
One day Emperor Sultan was taking a walk in the Royal Garden, when he accidentally stumbled upon a small rock. He was in a very bad mood that day. He summoned the gardener and sentenced him to death for not having removed the stone. The poor gardener was distraught at receiving such a harsh sentence. He pleaded with the Emperor, but Sultan was adamant. So the gardener ran to Badelal in despair and begged him to find a way to save his life. The gardener told Badelal the entire story. Badelal wondered how he could help the poor gardener. He pondered for a while and finally thought of a way. He told the gardener not to worry and then whispered some instructions in his ear. The next day, the Emperor Sultan was walking in his royal garden. The gardener came up to the Emperor and spat at his 'feet'. The Emperor was shocked at him. He was furious to see the same gardener commit such an act of disrespect. Just then Badelal walked up to the Emperor. Sultan was even more surprised to discover that Badelal had instructed the gardener to spit on his feet. Seeing that the Emperor was furious, Badelal then explained to him as to why the gardener had done such a deed. He told the Emperor that the gardener was one of the most loyal subjects who served the king. And it would have been shame on the Emperor's part for sentencing a man to death for such a petty reason as forgetting to remove a small rock. And therefore, Badelal had asked the gardener to spit at Sultan's feet. That was a vile offence and would give Emperor Sultan a genuine reason to sentence him to death. The Emperor was stunned by the whole incident and he instantly realised his mistake and forgave the gardener.
1).Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word 'STUMBLED' as used in the Story?
a)   fell
b)   plundered
c)   broke
d)   hesitated
e)   lost
2).As mentioned in the story, Emperor Sultan sentenced the gardener to death because
a)   the gardener was not watering the plants in the garden.
b)   he thought that the gardener had failed to report to duty that day.
c)   he wanted to punish him for misbehaving with Badelal a few days back.
d)   the gardener spit on his feet in front of all the royal courtiers.
e)   None of these
3).Which of the following can be a suitable title to the story?
a)   Emperor Sultan and his favourite gardener
b)   Badelal and his friendship with the gardener
c)   The Mischievous Gardener
d)   Badelal and his Intelligence
e)   Be Careful while Trying Traps for Others
4).As mentioned in the story, Emperor Sultan was in a bad mood before stumbling upon the rock because
a)   he had a bad dream.
b)   he was not feeling well.
c)   he had fought with Badelal.
d)   he was angry with the royal cook for not preparing his favourite meal.
e)   Not clearly mentioned in the passage
5).Which of the following is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning of the word 'DESPAIR' as used in the story?
a)   trust
b)   misery
c)   cheer
d)   desperation
e)   secret
6).Which of the following attributes of Emperor Sultan gets highlighted in the story?
a)   unreasonable but just
b)   depressed
c)   thoughtful
d)   ill-tempered and rude
e)   confident
7).Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word 'HARSH' as used in the story?
a)   severe
b)   soft
c)   weak
d)   loud
e)   uneven
8).As mentioned in the story, Badelal directed the gardener to spit on Emperor Sultan's feet as
(A) he wanted Emperor Sultan to punish the gardener severely.
(B) he wanted to make Emperor Sultan realise his mistake.
(C) he was trying to play a prank on the gardener.
a)   Only A
b)   Only B
c)   Both A and B
d)   Both A and C
e)   Only C
9).Which of the following statements is true in the context of the story?
a)   Emperor Sultan punished both the gardener and Badelal when the gardener spat on his feet.
b)   Emperor Sultan had decided to punish the gardener even before he came across the rock in the garden.
c)   Badelal was Emperor Sultan's nephew.
d)   The gardener would usually seek Badelal's advice on all matters,
e)   None of the given options is true
 10). Which of the following is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning of the word 'ADAMANT' as used in the story?
a)   firm
b)   flexible
c)   creative
d)   rigid
e)   unfixed
Answer Key:

1).a   2).e   3).d   4).e    5).c    6).a    7).a    8).b    9).e    10).b

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Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 16, 2017 Practice English Questions for  Upcoming Exams 2017  ( Reading Comprehension ) Set-91: Dear Readers, we have given here the English Pract...

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