How to Prepare for SSC and BANK Exams Simultaneously

March 27, 2017    

Question: Is it possible to prepare both SSC and BANK exams simultaneously?

Yes. It is quite possible to Prepare for Both SSC and Bank exams. There are two schools of thoughts. First, Always focus only on one exam of your aptitude and prepare for it thoroughly. the probability of succeeding is much higher because you are devoting your energy time and skills to only one exam. There is no other distraction. But, According to the second school of thoughts, Since in today's times competition is getting tougher and tougher, the unpredictability of job market and very few opportunities available for Govt. jobs, many think it is advisable to always have PLAN-B career-wise. If you do not succeed in one exam, you can try your luck in the other one. this way the hope of getting a job is still alive. But if you focus on only one exam and if you fail, your chances of having a shot at elusive govt. jobs are lost forever. 
One important rule of thumb for all competitive exams is to be extremely careful about the selection of your competitive exams. Many of you follow others blindly. You need to understand your ambition/aspiration and most importantly your aptitude for the concerned exam. If you do not understand the Banking jargon or not naturally inclined to a bank job and the lifestyle that comes with it, then you should not consider it. 
When you chose the field of your aptitude and choice, the process becomes easier, you do not struggle with it, in fact, you love the preparatory part and sooner or later you achieve your desired success. 
So, To help you with the dilemma, go through the following points and make the informed decision... 

Know the nature of the exam
 Whether the exam is offline mode or online. How many questions and topics are asked. total time allotted, is there any sectional cut-off? Negative marking etc. 

Know the syllabus
Figure out the similar topics and the different ones. Make a list of the common topics that are asked in both SSC and BANKING exams. prepare for these common topics in a single slot. 

Your current preparation level.
Once you know the pattern and syllabus, you need to know where you stand in terms of preparation. This is a very crucial step because it will help you do the reality check. Appear for 1-2 mock tests for both the exams and see if you are comfortable with the type of questions.

Devise an effective timetable for the different topics for both SSC and BANK exams. This category of topics will challenge you the most. Refer a good book, online study material, Youtube videos etc. 

Make handy notes for all the topics. Making your own notes is the most important part of the preparation for competitive exams. These notes help you a lot at the last moment revision. 

Buy a standard online test series, take one Mock test daily for SSC and Bank exam. 
Check the exam schedule for both SSC and IBPS/SBI. If the SSC exam date is first, then prepare for SSC and vice versa. 

Quant Section
In Bank exams: the questions are mainly asked from Data Interpretation, Averages, Time Speed & Distance, Mensuration, Interest, Percentage, Algebra, Time & Work, Approximation, etc. The focus of the Quant section of SBI PO Mains, however, will be on Data Analysis & Data Interpretation.
On the other hand, SSC CGL is likely to carry a wider variety of topics apart from the ones asked in SBI PO exam. Some of these are Geometry and Trigonometry.

English Section: In Bank exam, the questions are mainly asked from Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Cloze Test, Fill in the Blanks, Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement & Sentence Correction, Word Association Pair etc. Now, since the pattern has been changed, IBPS and SBI are asking English Questions based on the CAT level exams. These questions aim to test your comprehension and usage skills.
On the other hand in SSC CGL exam, more emphasis is given on Grammar & Vocabulary. In Tier I exam, you will have Phrase or Idiom Meaning, Spellings and One Word Substitution to deal with in addition to the SBI PO topics. In Tier II exam, you will find several questions on Direct & Indirect Speech as well as Active & Passive Voice.

Reasoning Aptitude (Logical Reasoning)
The type of questions and difficulty level is very different in both exams. In SSC CGL exam, the level of reasoning is very easy. On the other hand, most students call Reasoning the toughest part of the Bank exams.
In SBI PO, the questions are based largely on Seating Arrangements, Syllogisms, Puzzles, Input-Output, Coding & Decoding, Ordering & Ranking, Inequalities, Directions & Distances, Blood Relations, Verbal Reasoning etc. Many of these chapters appear in SSC CGL exam as well,  but at a lower level.

General Awareness (and Financial Awareness) the General Awareness section in SBI PO Mains focusses on Financial Awareness. For both Current Affairs and Financial Awareness, you need to be up to date with at least 3-4 months’ worth of news. If you have the time, go back to 5-6 months. Read BankersAdda's GK POWER CAPSULE. and daily quizzes for bank exams. 
The GA section of SSC CGL exams largely covers Static GK topics along with a few questions on Current Affairs. Static GK includes topics like History, Geography, Polity, General Science & Technology, Environment, Sports etc. and also questions from the current affairs. The syllabus for this portion is, very obviously, very huge.

Computer Knowledge 
Just one more subject to cover. The portion of this section is small and if you have used a computer, you will be able to prepare this portion very quickly. This section will carry a significant weightage in the Bank exams. On the other hand, you will find, at most, 2 questions in SSC CGL exam. It is a scoring subject that can be solved quickly in the paper, so don’t ignore it.

At SSC ADDA and BANKERS ADDA, we are dedicatedly providing the standard study material for both SSC and BANK exam. on our ADDA247 App, we provide all kind of daily quizzes and free mock tests to check your preparation. Our YouTube channel, Adda247, On the daily basis we have live classes for all the aspirants and exhaustive online study related videos. 
In the last, It doesn't matter which schools of thoughts you belong, make a wise and informed decision, Just give your 100%. Live up to your true potential. Even if you do not possess the required skills, work for it and create those required skills, Remember it is a competition, it is a fight not with others but with your own being. Every day, Be a better version of yourself. 
We wish you all the very best. Stay tuned for more articles. 


89% of selected students in SBI PO last year, were students of BankersAdda Online Test Series.

More than 530 selections in SBI PO from CP Classroom Programs.

How to Prepare for SSC and BANK Exams Simultaneously 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 27, 2017 Question: Is it possible to prepare both SSC and BANK exams simultaneously? Yes. It is quite possible to Prepare for Both SSC and Bank...

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