Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SSC CGL 2017

March 12, 2017    

Vocabulary for SSC CGL

Hello, Greetings!! SSC CGL Pre 2017 will commence in the month of June/July 2017. In order to help and guide all of you, we're going to post VOCABULARY BASED ON THE HINDU NEWSPAPER. In all the competitive exams, Vocabulary questions are asked from newspapers.

Meaning: not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
Synonym: distant, detached, unresponsive, remote,
Antonym: familiar, friendly
Sentence: "they were courteous but faintly aloof

Meaning: underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
Synonym: trickery, swindling, fraudulence
Sentence: "a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery"

Meaning: the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
Synonym: attraction, lure, draw, pull, appeal, glamour
Sentence: people for whom gold holds no allure"

Meaning: brisk and cheerful readiness
Synonym: eagerness, willingness, readiness
Sentence: "she accepted the invitation with alacrity"

Meaning: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep., a drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.
Synonym: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, calmative, tranquillizer, narcotic, opiate;
Antonym: invigorating, stimulant
Sentence: "the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect"

Meaning: ostentatiously costly and luxurious.
Synonym: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial
Antonym: penniless, poor, impoverished, penurious
Sentence: "the opulent comfort of a limousine"

Meaning: a temporary stay., stay somewhere temporarily.
Synonym: stay, visit, stop, stopover, residence;
Sentence: "her sojourn in Rome"

Meaning: insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way.
Synonym: high-handed, brisk, abrupt, summary, commanding, authoritative,
Antonym: humble, meek, modest, unassuming
Sentence: "‘Just do it!’ came the peremptory reply"

Meaning: musical instruments played by striking with the hand or with a stick or beater, or by shaking, including drums, cymbals, xylophones, gongs, bells, and rattles.
Synonym: crash, bang, smash, clash, bump
Sentence: "percussion instruments"

Meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Synonym: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious
Antonym: beneficial, benign, favourable
Sentence: "the pernicious influences of the mass media"

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/03/hindu-newspaper-vocabulary-for-ssc-cgl_12.html
Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary for SSC CGL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 12, 2017 Hello, Greetings!! SSC CGL Pre 2017 will commence in the month of June/July 2017. In order to help and guide all of you, we're going ...

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